Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 10: In 10 ways, describe yourself in the next 10 years

come to day 10 of challenge

Day 10: In 10 ways, describe yourself in the next 10 years

topic what do you think about yourself & maybe someone else

1. Become a good scientist & lecture: so no case of neonates or babies died because of jaundice (my topic for master level and might be for my phd). create something for another person @ doctor to check the genetic problem in jaundice

2. Good daughter..k, sy bukan seorg anak yg baik..ya, sy x akan mengaku diri sy baik cause sometimes sy ada jugak melawan kata2 mak& ayah sy & etc..ha..ha..nak buat mcm mana sy ada perasaan degil yg sukar di buang..jd, try to become a good daughter for them

3. Good sisters: for my big bro & sis & also to young brothers & sisters..

4. wife: ha..ha..ya, but cannot imagine with who i will spend my life..still waiting for my Mr Right..

5. mom: k, kalo ada good wife must come with a package right?..

6. Good aunty: k. right now for both my cutest 'anak buah' iman & azam

7. Business women: mcm di taip pada cabaran semalam. byk tak duit nak labur utk buat business ni

8. Student: walaupun sudah bergelar lecture ms tu, bah kata pepatah dlm hidup ini kita akan sering belajar & education cannot be stop sampai saat kite menghembuskan nafas terakhir. walaupun ms tu yg mengajar maybe student sy (oh..oh..) tp x salah kan..bah kata sydina ali" walaupun hanya perkataan alif org tu tetap di gelar guru'...but this time maybe student with a lot of question, perhaps?

9. Confident: in every aspect (talking, doing the lab work etc) & the same time still boleh mendengar pendapat org lain..kalo setakat confident tp degil x jadi jugak kan?

10. Hambanya yg bertakwa: di kuatkan hati & iman serta meningkatkan amal ibadah kpdnya

hopefully di panjangkan umur so, boleh menyempurnakan diri sendiri in 10 years. k, cabaran sudah habis! tp napa kelibat eha x nampak utk satu hari cabarn ini..ima, aku rs memang betullah bdk ni busy lagi2 majlis dia dlm 2 minggu tu..


Hijau Daun said...

Sekejabnya waktu berlalu.....10 hari cepat je berlalu.....semoga what have been you describe about you as Future Ms Asnah gonna be reality......hope we gonna have another 'challenges' after this......wish u all the best n take care!

Anonymous said...

dh capai ke lps 10 tahun