Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tahun br

mengikut kelendar islam, today is new year 1433 hijrah..cepat sungguh ms berlalu and it became the new year and also the last month of the year coming, December..k, azam tahun ni:
(need to be separate to few field)

A. Carrier
1. mahu konvo thn ni! (although the last step, I mean the Viva will make me x tentu hala, rs mcm super2 afraid & segala adrenalin akan mengalir laju, but I really need to face it. kalo x, no konvo.ya allah, tolong lah hamba mu ini, utk tenang & tenteram to face that day. amin!!)

2. further study to phd (frankly speak, dulu2 memang x alang2 tawaran sudah menunggu di dpn mata, why not just do financial problem might be the main problem..kena cr sponser ni..)

3. do some part time work (keje apa ya? maybe still in kumon atau apa2 kerja yg halal yg boleh support kehidupan di kelantan ni)

B. Personal
1. menjaga maznah dg baik..(kena msk list ke?he..he...sian dia byk exam kena buat. chill up sis. that's what we call student life..a lot of exams, quiz and assignment...)

2. Kumpul harta byk (it sound a little bit materialistic kan?, tp itu memang duit sendiri ma..jgn mengharap duit cikgu maamor cause I have another 4 siblings he need to support)

3. marriage (ha..ha...please not ask me this kind of question..x de dlm kamus or plan for this new year..kalo ada tu, akan di war2kan..please pray for me in my searching of my mr I so memilih? I will say maybe yes..why?

c. Friends
1. reunion mega SLISS 1998-2002: ok,I had plan this reunion for past 10 years when I was 17 years old..and in a few months I will be 27 years, still in plan dan ahli2 jom kalut (AJK) yg dulu, masih di cari..hope can it become true ad hopefully can see some faces yg x pernah jumpa in past 10 years..

2. KTT gathering: Ni satu hal..kalo dah keje, memang susah utk luangkan ms lg2 yg sorang dok jauh di timur, sorang kat selatan..yg di tengah2 pening nak tanya...cik dr, bila you free ya? HO habis bila?single2 nie senang sikit nak jumpa!

D. Family
menjadi anak yg baik & baik & baik for both cikgu maamor & pn habibah..

dan be hamba Allah yg sering mengingatinya walau apa pun keadaan, & mempertingkatkan ibadah terhadapNYA..

k, guys, sila perbaharui azam anda & salam maal-hijrah

1 comment:

Hijau Daun said...

Salam maal hijrah 1433.......semoga kedatangan tahun baru ini memberi 1001 rahmat.......wish all 'azam-azam' tercapai dengan jayanya.......chaiyok2..... =)