Friday, May 6, 2011


sudah bersawang blog nie..lama x mengupdate..k, mengimbas kembali what happened few weeks sisters (maznah & azizah) were finally at Kelantan!!selama nie dok tanya aku 'jauh tak penang nak ke kelantan?''berapa jauh ya?', adik2 sekalian, sudah tahu kan berapa jauh nya kelantan ini and why your sister nie sangat susah nak blk and once balik memang akan cuti selama 1 minggu..he..he...k, bila bdk2 nie, kata mahu ke mari, so si kakak pun memplan mahu membawa adik2 nya pusing2 area kelantan..kat sini mahu ucap tq!! to oh, tasya, rais & fiza for your time taking me & my sister pusing2 area2 kb.. so, my sis ke sini for attending interview utk course audiology..first time dengar..o..pakar telinga, dtg je lah sini, bila lagi..kata nak sangat dtg ke, just sempat membawa mereka ke wakaf che yeh (ha..ha..byk seh borong brg..tue pun di satu kedai terpaksa di tegah drp berbelaja sesuka hati.), pasar ct (i just know that a price during weekdays is more cheaper compare to weekend and more cheaper than wakaf che yeh & important thing please wear something that make you look like maybe more cheaper price you will get..ha!!ha!!), gi mkn makanan pelik2 di sini (ex mertabak mini, akok, che mek dll), mkn nasi ulam & melawat pantai irama during office, totally expense for tudung +baju+keropok+budu dll aku pun x tahu cause bdk2 nie pakai duit di bekalkan oleh ayahanda and also disimpan...

Gambar kiri: us at genom.Gambar tengah: antara brg yg dibeli..nilai penghabisan duit, x dikenal maznah, sila simpan duit for the next trip to bandung next month.Gambar kanan: ijah & maznah with the 'PGM' .

k, di kesempatan ini mahu mengucapkan selamat berehat to kila..jaga kaki molek2 deh.nie memang sudah jatuh bertimpa2 tangga (suka2 hati buat peribahasa sendiri), the moral of the story if anda terjatuh and mendengar bunyi sesuatu pada salah satu anggota bdn yg jatuh, it better for you (remind my self also) to see a doctor. bak kata kkm..mencegah lebih baik drp mengubati..teringat pulak time jatuh a few weeks before bertolak ko london bln july 2010..luckly, nothing happend kalo tak, burn je duit aku

Kila & her new tongkat..k, jaga diri molek2 ya...sian pulak lah aku tengok budak nie..

ok, a week ago there was a wedding between prince wiliam & kate (or should I write princess was so beauty & gorgeous!!the dress (mostly..its so simple+beauty)+makeup (just a light makeup), just like a 'cindrella' story(prine & a girl next door) & wiliam was so handsome during the wed ceremony..hopefully they will life happily ever after & hopefully perkara yg diorg ramal kpd pasangan mempelai ni x akan berlaku..well, just look +sit what will happened to them..di khabarkan jutaan pound digunakan utk merelisasikan perkahwinan ini..ada pembaziran di situ tp x pelah..nanti kumpul balik duit tue semula and maybe we can see the same wedding in another 30 years..oh..jika ditambah sudah berusia 50++ ketika itu..ish..ish..dan siaran langsung yg disiarkan almost 5 hours by ntv7 telah berjaya mengumpul 2 juta penonton & berbilion org telah menontonnya di serata dunia..for info: only william sahaja yg akan mengalami perkahwinannya semeriah begini. meanwhile for her brothers (harry), x de dah semeriah perkahwinan abgnya..hanya anak sulung shj akan mengalami perkahwinan ini.

Another happy ending..hope your marriage will be forever..cannot wait to see their son/ daughter!!perhaps next year..must be cute like their parents!

Lastly, before the end of this entri just want to wish Hapi Birthday to miss Tasya (kpd sapa2 x kenal, sila rujuk entri yg lepas.. k, just celebrate with a few friends yg duduk bersama2 bertapa di lab during weekend

gambar kiri: antara mkn2 utk dihabiskan pd ptg berkenaan..gambar tengah: kami yg dtg bertapa di lab during nie Ina x sampai lagi..Gambar kanan: acara pemotongan kek..

k, that's it for this entry..see you soon!!!!!!!!


Hijau Daun said...

waa blogger ade masa terluang nak meng'update' blognya....sure you very busy right now......chaiyok2.....

after ur sister visit, pasnie bleh la bwk satu family dtg kelantan......borong hbs kat pasar che ct......wish ur sister will be future audiologist! Keep it up ur writing process........

P/s: Bestnye org nak pegi Bandung next month.....happy holiday..... =)

hasnah said...

best tue memang thesis kena siap dulu..hantar first draft dulu..

Hijau Daun said...

Wish you all the best 4 that....