Tuesday, November 17, 2015

new interest

Now days, I had a new interest or maybe we can say it as a hobbies...at the past, I never about this..I just heard from tv or an article...don't bare in my mind I will involve in this new interest...and thanks to muni cause introduced me to the new hobby and hope with this hobby, it will help me in selected an items or know the items
haha...my new interest is getting a new staff from the internet..hehe...so, by trying this new stuff, i'll be able to know about the new or the product I never used before...

This were the latest free samples I got last week....the lotion tu...it smell really good...Wangi sgt and like what the iklan on tv always said...menyerap dgn cepat didalm kulit...yes, that what was happened when I apply it...as for the sunplay, ok...I never try it yet...kalo dah, i'll let u know how does it feel
b4 this, I used uitm address for the postage and since i'll moved to other uni, I used my home address for the postage...thanks to the company that gave me your items....really love it
haha, what will be the next items? ok, need to hunt for it before I decide which will be setia for a long time...
maybe u guys should try this new interest..hehe
ok, take care & thanks for reading

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