menjelang a last month b4 the end of 2015...seriously? wah!!!takut sih cause a lot of thing is not going on as a plan..huhu...whose fault is this? ok, x payah nk salahkan org, just blame yourself because me so kind, lazy, hard time to focus, need to workout with some drastic need to act an old me which was back during in USM..haha
ok, hujung2 thn ni juga...there were a lot of convocation that held in most university..either public or local uni..just named it, UM, UiTM, UPM, UPNM etc...ok, entry ni is special dedicated to one of my group member at UiTM..presented puan siti shuhada mokhtar...mengenali syudy ni, my first ni a little nit garang, agak sombong and sukar to be around. but when I knew her better, she was the opposite lady..haha, that's why don't judge a book without it's cover..syud was a mom to lovely kid who was crazy about ultraman...haha..ali..she came from Kedah and lived with her parents. when I joined UiTM, she was almost in her last step of her lab work and major doing her thesis..she passed her viva with flying colours as there were not many corrections she need to do..she was one of UiTM scholarship holder who fight so kuat to mempertahankan hak dia utk bekerja with UiTM...tabik hormat to syud...and currently she is a lecture in UiTM...alhamdulilah, everything went smooth...managed to get her master and job....huhu..really envy with syud but at the same time I was really proud with her...big applause to syud
and so sorry, cause cannot attend to your convocation cause I got a family matters and we celebrated her pre convocation by having a tea break at one utama
haha...jom tengok gamba and credit to Julia and syud and umi
the attendance: ju, mira, umi, syud and alya (umi's daughter) |
arrival of me, fifi and wani...alya ms ni dah x duduk dia..she just woke, a little bit moody |
syudy ala2 artis..well, bila lagi bukan?? |
us....peace |
portrait style |
nk topi gak.... |
get ready to take a picture |
hapi convocation syudy!!! |
present from our group member-HBP and thanks umi cause belikan present utk pihak yg lain |
after convocation...umi, alya and syud |
ali yg cute also got present for his cute |
To syud, hapi convocation and hapi working at, who will the next? yg pentingnya for next year there will be a batch of HBP troupers will convo for the next year...hehe
before I end this post |
I will wait for my along to give me this type of flowers but I want it in the blue colours...maybe next 3 years or earlier than sha allah, please pray for me
ok, that's all...thanks for reading and jaga2 diri cause musim hujan sudah tiba
take care ^-^ |
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