Monday, November 30, 2015

penang trip: part III :muzium emas public gold

ok, for this were participants by kak ety, bapak and ijah as me, mom and maznah were at the convocation events. ok, as I mention USM, there was no place for other family member to wait or see the event...therefore, they went to the first gold museum in Southeast Asia and waited for a signal of the end of MM convocation...
The fee to entre the museum is quite hmmm....but the experience inside the museum, u will not get it at the other cost about rm30/'s quite ok lah in one condition...need to explore the museum really well...
what was interesting in the museum...everything in the exhibition was about gold and u can touch 10kg of gold by just 1 kg..the most heavy one I pernah pegang but to hold the 10kg of quite heavy..& price must also be this museum, u can also experienced to be like pelombong emas mcm zaman2 dulu and saw some of their work...
and u can feel the way of mendulang emas...and kalo bernasib baik, ms mendulang tu korang leh dpt emas which u can take it back as your hr tu, kak ety and ijah managed to mendulang their gold but ketulinan and keberatan emas tu x di ketahui..hehe....
pelombong emas yg Berjaya....merasa suasana melombong emas....kaya2...leh tukar karier after this

punggah emas yg dah dpt

himpunan emas plus duit2 Malaysia....

ok, for my is good to visit the museum at least once in your lifetime..hehe...first ever in Southeast!!that something we should be proud...and this museum was just last July 2015....why not just bring your kids here and let them experiences about the gold...haha....this museum was located at lebuh bishop. Georgetown Pulau Pinang

ok, tq for reading...and the journey in penang will be continue in the next post....take care ^-^

Friday, November 27, 2015

part 2: penang trip-maznah maamor (MM) convocation

baikla sambungan from previous entry..honestly, I will say that jubah USM bukan mudah utk di pakai as compare to other government uni.  it needs other person that will help us to pin  the jubah and make u look stunning on your convocation day. I used to write the post about pins u need for USM for other government uni, if u got your jubah size, it is easier for  u to wear...haha..anyway, it will be your last challenge b4 u get your certificate either diploma, degree, master or phd
52 USM convocation was held from 17-21 November 2015. as for MM, her convocation graduate was at the last session on the last day..makanya, bersiap2 and makeup her at mosque but the pre make up was more beautiful as we're rushing on that day..haha...this time, I accompany my mom to the hall as my other sisters accompanied my dad to other placed in penang.
since MM course was the first course to receive the certificated, I not able to take her clear picture when she received the certificated plus it was quite far from the screen..haha...what I love to see during this convocation ceremony were the weird name, clothes and shoes mainly for female..and luckily at that day, x de peristiwa such as topi atau kasut tertanggal during certificated received. I think there were few things USM need to do to improve their ceremony such as the diploma receiver should had a hat on same as the other course. it looks blank when they not put the hat on. besides that, the photo booth should provide more plus the space for the waiting mainly during the rain session..and also a place for other family members to wait and see the ceremony. big hall like during UKM convocation,  there is the hall near the dewan chancellor. anyway, it was a successful event just need a lit bit improvement..haha, anyway it was my suggestion. tepukan yg sgt kuat when the last receiver get her certificated as that was the last day for the committee...haha..lega semua dah habis...mahu nk 1 bln punya planning. x gitu?
anyway, MM already get her certificated &can focused on work hunting plus doing what she love: baking..oh ya, sapa2 nk order cake or brownies or cheese blueberry tart or egg tart for mkn saja2 or any event just let me know. that's for Sabak bernam area and for klang valley, u can contact my sister in law...her cake was sooo good...nanti I buat post for explain it deeper
ok, picture time. credit to MM and ijah
actually this is MM pre convocation picture..b4 we went to bukit bendera. location at vistana hotel penang..

the attendance check for MM convocation

the present from the family

the present from the family and a little bear from me...bear besar on d way...ada hikmah gak x de ms tu kalo x mesti basah cause hujan sgt lebat after MM convocation. this little bear pun kena hujan...nasib ada topi...haha

pre convocation at vistana hotel. ijah was not here yet since she was on the bus from KB-penang. this picture was a night of MM convocation rehersal

the hall b4 the ceremony

MM with her audiologist friend

beside MM, there were few of my friend had their convocation also. but unfortunately, it was at the different day

ros (left) and namirah (right). both were my junior jaundice project ..congrats guys and thanks to ros baby cause bg mummy ambik scroll..yeah

and my lovely friend...yes u do it ain!!! fyi: my punya kalung warna merah but they (USM0 already change it to yellow for the science master

and last b4 I end this entry...we're waiting for the picture from the photographer...giat tu duduk dlm hujan cause nak ambik gambar sesama

pre photo from ijah...Nampak cantik...hasilnya pasti menarik bukan? in sha allah....dah ada nanti I will post it in this blog

ok, that's it but the penang trip is not over yet...will be continue

ok, thanks for reading & take care ^-^

Thursday, November 26, 2015

penang trip part I: pre convocation

bg memanjangkan post kat blog I ni...maka I decided to split the penang trip into few chapter..ok, before I started...penang trip ni was dedicated to lovely maznah aka my sis who just received her degree certificated...alhamdulilah, after 4 years of study, she managed to get and currently she is looking for a work specifically in audiologist area. so, if u know any company that need audiologist please let me know ^-^
ok, pre convocation was held at bukit bendera, pulau pinang...sangat lah tabah kami (me, ijah , kak ety, mak and maznah) mengharungi cuaca yg panas di atas and as the result, my face was burning and currently slowly recovered...kena pakai sun block yg up spfnya cause I used my 20 spf and cause burn for my face...ok, that was my first trip to bukit bendera and since 2011 (if I didn't mistake), they used new and fast train to bring the visitor to bukit bendera...the price was about rm 10 (with mycard), old citizen means 60 and above & student was, if u got valid or unvalid student card, just bring it anyway u go...well,boleh jimat rm5 tu...right?
bukit bendera was a nice place kalo korang nk tengok pemandangan pulau pinang and of course to compare between the 2 bridges: the old and new bridge. memang sgt ketara jauh & panjang nya...kat sini best utk cuci2 mata and sgt di suggestkan if u went there early in the morning cause cuaca x panas plus dpt tiket murah with my card..just pay for rm5 if u come b4 10 (if I didn't mistake) and at the late evening around 6 (if I didn't mistake)..bila dah gi tempt yg saujana mata memandang ni, of course gambar2 yg terhasil haruslah cantik...haha2...xmemerlukan dslr...Samsung note pun dah memadai..
kalo korang x de transport, korang boleh ambik bas dr jeti ke sini and kalo korang drive set kan waze or gps ke bukit bendera and korang boleh park your car kt bangunan bertingkat berhampiran pintu masuk bukit bendera... and dinasihatkan to go there during weekdays or besides school holiday or early in the morning utk mengelakkan kesulitan and u can bring your own food or drink...and jgn risau, kt situ pun ada cafĂ©..2 tingkat, the first floor for drink and dessert (sgt best for cuaca yg panas) and second floor for food..there were variety of food...and the price sgt affordable.
ok, jom tengok gamba: credit to ijah, kak ety and maznah
gambar b4 berlepas...kt sini nanti akan ada org ambik gambar korang...ala mcm kalo korang trn dr jeti kt langkawi tu and it was up to u nak beli ke idak...harga gambar rm31...kitaorg x beli pun...hehe

peta bukit bendera aka bendera hill...kitaorg berjalan almost semua tmpt except for  few places such as satu jln yg banyak dgn monyet, owl museum and kt atas bukit yg ada masjid tu...oh ya, dr counter ke puncak take about 10-15 minutes and sapa2 yg gayat tu hati2 ya...dia mcm korang naik roller coaster sikit kelajuannya... and curamnya..haha...tipu, slow sikit dr roller coaster

org yg diraikan.....amacam? ada gaya tak?

us at bukit bendera I

us at bukt bendera II

berjalan2 sambil cari tempat yg sesuai utk pre convocation

tmpt yg redup di kala matahari menyinar

berlatarkan petak bak kata ijah

merenung nasib

trial picture

with the landmark

kwsn ni ala2 namsan tower kt korea. korang boleh beli lock kat sini and sila lah kuncikan cinta anda di sini

org kuat pre convocation

dlm train

muka bahagia bila konvo..pre convocation I

us at bukit bendera III

pre convocation II

pre convocation III

we want the I nak topi bulat utk kali ni..hehe

pre convocation iv...Berjaya melompat dgn jayanya...

ok, tu shj cite utk dikongsi for part I aka pre convocation...cuaca yg sgt panas but it was good for taking memory on your big day.....

ok, next pre convocation di penang adalah for this cute girl in next 2 years...amin...hope ms tu anda x kerja lagi, leh buat pre convocation dgn jayanya...kita gi tempat lain pulak ok?

ijah punya konvo pulak in 2017

ok, that's all and thanks for reading...take care ^-^

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Bila research buget kena potong.....

last month was a month yg paling ditunggu for every year budget for Malaysia...and as a student, there are few things I hope that will be benefit for other students and other people...some of the benefit is my brain will be continue and this give the new student a hope to continue their dream in master or phd level
but in the same situation.....byk x ok regarding to this buget such as the increase of few fees: toll, ktm, lrt, monorel etc....x paham tul lah why nk naik dgn begitu mendadak sekali....hope with this kenaikan, kemudahan makin di naik pulih and idea yg bernas diperlukan to over come this problem
and as for research buget uni pulak mostly in the was decreasing...only UKM punya buget yg menaik compare to 2015....why? hm....mari kita fikirkan2 nya...
senarai ipta & buget yg dikurangkan
dgn kekurangan buget penyelidikan begini....Malaysia mungkin memerlukan masa yg lama bagi menempatkan one of our uni as top 100 uni in the world...struggle lah wahai researcher, lecture, RA and sha allah, kita boleh lakukan.....dengan currency Malaysia yg menurun since few months ago, the level of struggling will be higher...tu br senarai about ipts? I bet it will be worst than it
jadi..keep calm and lets do our work properly and hope our research will have the benefit outcome to be apply not only in Malaysia population but also in the other population
take care and thanks for reading 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

new interest

Now days, I had a new interest or maybe we can say it as a the past, I never about this..I just heard from tv or an article...don't bare in my mind I will involve in this new interest...and thanks to muni cause introduced me to the new hobby and hope with this hobby, it will help me in selected an items or know the items new interest is getting a new staff from the, by trying this new stuff, i'll be able to know about the new or the product I never used before...

This were the latest free samples I got last week....the lotion smell really good...Wangi sgt and like what the iklan on tv always said...menyerap dgn cepat didalm kulit...yes, that what was happened when I apply for the sunplay, ok...I never try it yet...kalo dah, i'll let u know how does it feel
b4 this, I used uitm address for the postage and since i'll moved to other uni, I used my home address for the postage...thanks to the company that gave me your items....really love it
haha, what will be the next items? ok, need to hunt for it before I decide which will be setia for a long time...
maybe u guys should try this new interest..hehe
ok, take care & thanks for reading

Friday, November 13, 2015

hapi convocation syudy ^-^

menjelang a last month b4 the end of 2015...seriously? wah!!!takut sih cause a lot of thing is not going on as a plan..huhu...whose fault is this? ok, x payah nk salahkan org, just blame yourself because me so kind, lazy, hard time to focus, need to workout with some drastic need to act an old me which was back during in USM..haha
ok, hujung2 thn ni juga...there were a lot of convocation that held in most university..either public or local uni..just named it, UM, UiTM, UPM, UPNM etc...ok, entry ni is special dedicated to one of my group member at UiTM..presented puan siti shuhada mokhtar...mengenali syudy ni, my first ni a little nit garang, agak sombong and sukar to be around. but when I knew her better, she was the opposite lady..haha, that's why don't judge a book without it's cover..syud was a mom to lovely kid who was crazy about ultraman...haha..ali..she came from Kedah and lived with her parents. when I joined UiTM, she was almost in her last step of her lab work and major doing her thesis..she passed her viva with flying colours as there were not many corrections she need to do..she was one of UiTM scholarship holder who fight so kuat to mempertahankan hak dia utk bekerja with UiTM...tabik hormat to syud...and currently she is a lecture in UiTM...alhamdulilah, everything went smooth...managed to get her master and job....huhu..really envy with syud but at the same time I was really proud with her...big applause to syud
and so sorry, cause cannot attend to your convocation cause I got a family matters and we celebrated her pre convocation by having a tea break at one utama
haha...jom tengok gamba and credit to Julia and syud and umi
the attendance: ju, mira, umi, syud and alya (umi's daughter)

arrival of me, fifi and wani...alya ms ni dah x duduk dia..she just woke, a little bit moody 

syudy ala2 artis..well, bila lagi bukan??


portrait style

nk topi gak....

get ready to take a picture

hapi convocation syudy!!!

present from our group member-HBP and thanks umi cause belikan present utk pihak yg lain 

after convocation...umi, alya and syud

ali yg cute also got present for his cute


To syud, hapi convocation and hapi working at, who will the next? yg pentingnya for next year there will be a batch of HBP troupers will convo for the next year...hehe

before I end this post

I will wait for my along to give me this type of flowers but I want it in the blue colours...maybe next 3 years or earlier than sha allah, please pray for me

ok, that's all...thanks for reading and jaga2 diri cause musim hujan sudah tiba

take care ^-^