bg memanjangkan post kat blog I ni...maka I decided to split the penang trip into few chapter..ok, before I started...penang trip ni was dedicated to lovely maznah aka my sis who just received her degree certificated...alhamdulilah, after 4 years of study, she managed to get and currently she is looking for a work specifically in audiologist area. so, if u know any company that need audiologist please let me know ^-^
ok, pre convocation was held at bukit bendera, pulau pinang...sangat lah tabah kami (me, ijah , kak ety, mak and maznah) mengharungi cuaca yg panas di atas and as the result, my face was burning and currently slowly recovered...kena pakai sun block yg up spfnya cause I used my 20 spf and cause burn for my face...ok, that was my first trip to bukit bendera and since 2011 (if I didn't mistake), they used new and fast train to bring the visitor to bukit bendera...the price was about rm 10 (with mycard), old citizen means 60 and above & student was, if u got valid or unvalid student card, just bring it anyway u go...well,boleh jimat rm5 tu...right?
bukit bendera was a nice place kalo korang nk tengok pemandangan pulau pinang and of course to compare between the 2 bridges: the old and new bridge. memang sgt ketara jauh & panjang nya...kat sini best utk cuci2 mata and sgt di suggestkan if u went there early in the morning cause cuaca x panas plus dpt tiket murah with my card..just pay for rm5 if u come b4 10 (if I didn't mistake) and at the late evening around 6 (if I didn't mistake)..bila dah gi tempt yg saujana mata memandang ni, of course gambar2 yg terhasil haruslah cantik...haha2...xmemerlukan dslr...Samsung note pun dah memadai..
kalo korang x de transport, korang boleh ambik bas dr jeti ke sini and kalo korang drive set kan waze or gps ke bukit bendera and korang boleh park your car kt bangunan bertingkat berhampiran pintu masuk bukit bendera... and dinasihatkan to go there during weekdays or besides school holiday or early in the morning utk mengelakkan kesulitan and u can bring your own food or drink...and jgn risau, kt situ pun ada café..2 tingkat, the first floor for drink and dessert (sgt best for cuaca yg panas) and second floor for food..there were variety of food...and the price sgt affordable.
ok, jom tengok gamba: credit to ijah, kak ety and maznah
gambar b4 berlepas...kt sini nanti akan ada org ambik gambar korang...ala mcm kalo korang trn dr jeti kt langkawi tu and it was up to u nak beli ke idak...harga gambar rm31...kitaorg x beli pun...hehe |
peta bukit bendera aka bendera hill...kitaorg berjalan almost semua tmpt except for few places such as satu jln yg banyak dgn monyet, owl museum and kt atas bukit yg ada masjid tu...oh ya, dr counter ke puncak take about 10-15 minutes and sapa2 yg gayat tu hati2 ya...dia mcm korang naik roller coaster sikit kelajuannya... and curamnya..haha...tipu, slow sikit dr roller coaster |
org yg diraikan.....amacam? ada gaya tak? |
us at bukit bendera I |
us at bukt bendera II |
berjalan2 sambil cari tempat yg sesuai utk pre convocation |
tmpt yg redup di kala matahari menyinar |
berlatarkan petak bak kata ijah |
merenung nasib |
trial picture |
with the landmark |
kwsn ni ala2 namsan tower kt korea. korang boleh beli lock kat sini and sila lah kuncikan cinta anda di sini |
org kuat pre convocation |
dlm train |
muka bahagia bila konvo..pre convocation I |
us at bukit bendera III |
pre convocation II |
pre convocation III |
we want the I nak topi bulat utk kali ni..hehe |
pre convocation iv...Berjaya melompat dgn jayanya...
ok, tu shj cite utk dikongsi for part I aka pre convocation...cuaca yg sgt panas but it was good for taking memory on your big day.....
ok, next pre convocation di penang adalah for this cute girl in next 2 years...amin...hope ms tu anda x kerja lagi, leh buat pre convocation dgn jayanya...kita gi tempat lain pulak ok? |
ijah punya konvo pulak in 2017
ok, that's all and thanks for reading...take care ^-^ |