Friday, August 4, 2017

corak coret raya 2017


raya...oooo...raya..alhamdulilah after fasting for a month, syawal is coming and post ni after syawal..yes

starting with the syawal with lovely family..setakat ni, I memang ada 1 family sahaja which I will spend my raya in sg besar and memang x perlu berebut kampung mana #gengselangor #family di hati gitu...and after 2 years, memang riuh rendah rumah caused the kids were there and everybody was, need to wait for other 2 years unless something big happen which need everyone there...jeng..jeng...

first day raya, berbaju boria which was not to boria as I provide only kain sarawak sahaja..the baju, it up to them what design they want...sorry, I x ckp duit nk bg everything semua...wait until i graduate and get a sha allah, I will sponsor something which will benefit and memorized to always, after family photo, we went to nenek, wak rob, umah arwah wak pan and went back as we prepared for other people to attack us at night..haha...memang kena attack pun caused x tahu sapa dtg caused I in charge with the kitchen duty sambil tengok cite di TV...dah surut br kuar ke depan...adoi...

second day, continue our photo shoot at anjang house after went to wak ramli's house...went to alang's house and went back home and get ready to get attack at night which also been attack too..haha..that's ok, this is what we call raya..and on third day, same of maznah, ijah and najib friends came to my house for raya..

the raya continue with raya at kak diya's house...alhamdulilah, me and muni managed to visit her new house, recite yassin and doa...finally after 5 months I visit her and in sha allah kak diya, we will come back cause it was so easy to search for your new house..we went back to kak diya house cause there was an open house raya...tq mel and family (kak diya sister) for the foods, drinks and cookies

last raya is raya in UiTM selayang...first time raya under uni x ramai org berebut...kalo x, memang beratur panjang memang tenang and damai lah...dgn varieties of food there..tq to the sponsor

picture time:
unofficial picture for raya..yeh..everyone is here

along & kak lin with azzam, iman, auni and hariz (sibuk tengok duit raya)

my parents and me with my duit raya

maznah ootd

ijah ootd

biha ootd

my sister and mom OOTD

second day of raya: slot akasia pose bak kata adik ipar i

slot samarinda pose

rumah wak rob

the girls

the boys

gaya pose bebas paling popular...penat ajar auni buat..haha

lovely couple with hariz

ni ms first day....

third day: geng basuh pinggan

geng masak ayam

geng mop lantai

at kak diya aka mel's family house..I sorang x angkut anak

candid picture..tq ikin's hubby

raya di UitM new buddy in UiTM..en jamil, linda, dayah, nad and su

from left: linda, dayah, su, me and nad with the props

the most refresh food during makan2

that's was my corak coret raya 2017...why sikit sgt ya? this is what we called hidup bernomad...haha, raya pun susah and caused I ambik cuti awal, raya ke-5 I dah msk mengahadap keje2...huhu...

in sha allah raya 2018 mungkin lebih menarik..well, bg menambahkan menarik di situ, harus la study pun tip top and menghampiri penghujungnya...and mungkin lebih menarik if .................(sila sambung di sana)


well, that's a wrap for syawal....

tq for reading and take care ^-^

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