yeah..still in raya mood and this time mood raya with lovely buddies in immb UiTM. haha...disebabkan kekangan masa dan waktu (haha..hyperbola sgt)...maka mini rumah terbuka ini diadakan di rumah syud, someway around damansara during weekend. yeah...weekend during raya month will be full of open house...hehe...maka bertabahlah semua dgn makanan yg banyak msk dlm perut (rezeki jgn ditolak) & jem yg luar biasa di mana-mana...
ok, kesimpulannya utk mini open ini's quite good+happy+glad to be surrounding with the familiar face. some face that you know for few years and used as well as forever to be your lab group...hehe...tq syud & family caused terima kami beraya di sana...although some of us currently had their own career and the last 3 persons stand in our hbp's group...our relationship still grow well and hopefully to jannah...aminnn...sharing our laugh, tear, fear and scream together. and also happy to be closed with some new face as i will keep in touch with immb perhaps in other a year..hehe. makanan? jgn ckplah...memang byk nk meletop dah perut...konsep pot luck ni memang best cause everyone will bring their food together and at the same time, it not caused burden to the tuan rumah...x gitu?
ok, pic time:
our group start this mini open house at sima house...I'm not in the scene cause I got work to do at UCSI university...huhu |
food festival at syud's br separuh je tau...ada lagi for me, i bring the moist chocolate cake which I bought it at KTM TBS..hehe...semua mkn memang the best lah..thump up...lontong+cute mini cup cake (syud), kuah sup+rendang ayam+rendang daging+brownies+nutella cake(julia), spaghetti (wani), potato salad(fifi),nasi impit+ketupat palas (put, yat and farah-ada cite kelakar pasal ns impit tu..hehe), new york cheese cake(umi-not in the picture cause umi dtg lambat)..hehe |
tu dia cake from sima...sedap wei...x tipu |
us at syud's house..mkn2 sambil layan big hero..hehe |
oppss..cake jatuh |
with kak zu's family |
makan sampai nk pecah perut and mr membungkus makanan selepas itu |
a few days later was immb's open house..huhu...thn ni x dpt join...nasib dah join syud punya open house..bestnya korang!!!
ok, that's it for raya with uitm buddies...mcm mana ya raya kami for the next yg penting hbp group kena ada open house sendiri ...hehe..moga ukuwah yg terjalin will stand forever till jannah
ok, adakah ceritaraya berakhir di sini...hehe....meh tunggu for the next week..i pun x tahu lagi
ok guys, tq for reading and take care^-^
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