Thursday, July 28, 2016

ceriteraya part 6: duit raya


selain drp baju, makanan dan rumah yg cantik berhias...ada satu benda yg wajib ada ms raya..well, it cannot say 'wajib' but that's the tradition yg di amalkan since century's duit raya

ok, ms kecik2 dulu...paling banyak i dpt pun dlm rm 200 kids nowdays, it can be reach to, jgn lupa menabung ya adik2...utk kesenangan korang jugak...x gitu? and seiring dgn the age increased ni, adakah I dah start bg duit raya to the kids? hehe...the answer is NO...hoho sorry kids...I still not working yet and in sha allah, bila I dah start keje, I will give duit raya to the kids...combined the duit raya with my dad...hehe..ada sesetengah org je yg akan dpt duit raya dr I which are my little siblings (amat,ajib,ijah and maz...pak din? hmmm...his salary was more than mine, so I should duit raya from him right?...hehe) & of course my naughty+gorgeous+cutie anak2 buah: azam, iman, auni and hariz...hehe

ok, adakah I still got duit raya...haha...of course I got it..mostly from my adorable and forever sis: kak ety and bapak and some of my uncle still 'hulur' duit raya to me. and for this year also, I enter a competition in one blog. the visitor who leave the highest comment during a month (at that time during ramadhan) duit raya from the admin...haha..di sebalik kesibukkan, sempat jugaklah tinggalkan komen to every post yg admin blog to update...and guess what...I won the duit raya prize...tq to the admin...for your info, this blog gave me a latest or in coming news about the malay drama. which novel will be adapted to the drama as well as some tips that useful in the daily life...ok, jgn lupa jengah kat blog ni tau:

ok, for my personal opinion, budaya duit raya ni harus diteruskan caused bila lagi kita nak bersedekah secara berterusan beberapa hari kalo bkn ms biarlah berpada2..jgn meraung di kemudian hari bila tengok baki duit di bank slps raya..hehe

ok, tq for reading and take care ^-^
p/s: I join lagi lah acara mcm komen terbanyak...mana tahu ada rezeki...amin....   

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

ceritaraya part 5: with lovely uitm's buddies


yeah..still in raya mood and this time mood raya with lovely buddies in immb UiTM. haha...disebabkan kekangan masa dan waktu (haha..hyperbola sgt)...maka mini rumah terbuka ini diadakan di rumah syud, someway around damansara during weekend. yeah...weekend during raya month will be full of open house...hehe...maka bertabahlah semua dgn makanan yg banyak msk dlm perut (rezeki jgn ditolak) & jem yg luar biasa di mana-mana...

ok, kesimpulannya utk mini open ini's quite good+happy+glad to be surrounding with the familiar face. some face that you know for few years and used as well as forever to be your lab group...hehe...tq syud & family caused terima kami beraya di sana...although some of us currently had their own career and the last 3 persons stand in our hbp's group...our relationship still grow well and hopefully to jannah...aminnn...sharing our laugh, tear, fear and scream together. and also happy to be closed with some new face as i will keep in touch with immb perhaps in other a year..hehe. makanan? jgn ckplah...memang byk nk meletop dah perut...konsep pot luck ni memang best cause everyone will bring their food together and at the same time, it not caused burden to the tuan rumah...x gitu?

ok, pic time:
our group start this mini open house at sima house...I'm not in the scene cause I got work to do at UCSI university...huhu

food festival at syud's br separuh je tau...ada lagi for me, i bring the moist chocolate cake which I bought it at KTM TBS..hehe...semua mkn memang the best lah..thump up...lontong+cute mini cup cake (syud), kuah sup+rendang ayam+rendang daging+brownies+nutella cake(julia), spaghetti (wani), potato salad(fifi),nasi impit+ketupat palas (put, yat and farah-ada cite kelakar pasal ns impit tu..hehe), new york cheese cake(umi-not in the picture cause umi dtg lambat)..hehe   

tu dia cake from sima...sedap wei...x tipu

us at syud's house..mkn2 sambil layan big hero..hehe

oppss..cake jatuh

with kak zu's family

makan sampai nk pecah perut and mr membungkus makanan selepas itu

a few days later was immb's open house..huhu...thn ni x dpt join...nasib dah join syud punya open house..bestnya korang!!!

ok, that's it for raya with uitm buddies...mcm mana ya raya kami for the next yg penting hbp group kena ada open house sendiri ...hehe..moga ukuwah yg terjalin will stand forever till jannah

ok, adakah ceritaraya berakhir di sini...hehe....meh tunggu for the next week..i pun x tahu lagi

ok guys, tq for reading and take care^-^

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

ceritaraya 2016 part 4:with buddies


in my previous post..were all about my lovely family...and now is my buddies turn: kak diya, muni and ikin and for this year add other one...anis, muni's sister

ok, cite perjalanan bermula when ikin delivered a good news during ramadhan that she had safely delivered a cute baby boy...alhamdulilah...the tan tin tun junior was safely, we decided to go to ikin's house in melacca...haha, last year we went there due to ikin's weeding and this year due to ikin's baby

ok, b4 we started our journey to melacca, kak diya invited us to her place: the annual place for us to celebrate hari raya and this year was our 4 years here...hehe...we watched dia semanis honeymoon part 5 and ate nasi lemak and cookies...hehe..then we started our travel to melacca....and safely arrived at 1.30pm at ikin's house

ikin's baby was soooo cute...walaupun dia tido kan....look like his father..i think...thanks mummy and kila for the nice foods and other facilities while we were there...hehe and managed to capture some moment with ikin's baby while he was wake up...sorry guys, i forget the name as the name was not familiar to my ears...hehe...

picture time
with ikin's baby

ala nk tido pulak

official tan tin tun picture....tq kila caused take the picture

at tmpt wajib..tq mel ambikan gamba...nanti kitaorg dtg lagi..hehe

ok, that's it for part 4 entry...tq for reading and take care ^_^

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

ceritaraya 2016 part 3


sambung cite smlm..raya ke-3 just duduk umah caused kepenatan and wait for the guests to come. and the raya was continue at day 4...b4 that, mlm raya ke-3 tu, the kids back from, main bunga api mengalahkan bdk2 ni...haha..of course lah and also a birthday celebration for maz (1 july) and amat (30 july)

mlm raya ke-4....memang almost every year since bergelar yb..the family will do the open house during neighbor since I remember..haha...for this year, there were more foods, big tent but limit seat for sit..but it not a big deal for us due to the yb was our next door, took the foods, drinks etc and went back to the house...nak tambah lagi? sila ambik kt luar..haha...oh ya, disebabkan thn ni ada pembesar suara during open house makanya karoke bermula and kt dlm umah ni pun dok nyanyi jugak until 12 am

ok, pic time
along's family nk gi kecik hariz ni bagus tul..pandai tengok camera bila ambik gambar. iman and auni bermakeup utk ke umah nenek..hehe

yeah..nk gi raya umah sebelah

ok, family yg ada pd hr kejadian...kak ety dah blk ipoh while odin and biha still in Johor

ok, that's all for this entry...tq for reading and the raya journey will be continue...raya kan 1 bulan..haha..lps tu menangis nk diet blk...huhu...

ok, take care ^-^

Monday, July 18, 2016

ceritaraya 2016 part 2


ok, sambung second day of raya....oh ya, b4 that on the first raya we just went to nenek's house and wak pan's house...although wak pan already pass away ( al-fatihah), we still visit his house to visit his wife and my other cousin. and during the night, haha...memang di serbu secara berterusan from 8.30-12pm...first time dlm sejarah...sampai x sempat gi duty

on d second day we went to: wak parinah, alang, wak rob, atok janggut and anjang's house...pendek cite..memang paling byk umah berjalan hr raya ke-2 ni...and traffic jem on d way to Perak to memang x mampu di bendung la....

ok, picture time...and pic x byk cause byk catch up umah utk beraya for raya ke-2 ni...sempat bergambar di rumah yg last sekali..hehe
us at umah anjang

riang ria di aidilfitri

the welfie

at anjang's new kitchen...i wei...mcm ikea pulak

ok, that's the wrap for the ceritaraya part 2...will be continue at the part 3...

tq for reading & take care ^-^

Friday, July 15, 2016

hari raya 2016 part 1


ok, dah 10 syawal hr ni...cepatnya masa but x post2 lagi gambar raya for this year...for this year, kitaorg x beraya dgn lengkap aka ahli family ada yg x de, caused yg ada mertua tu, masing2 giliran diaorg utk raya pertama tahun ni...hehe...

seperti biasa, a few days b4 raya memang sibuk giler...gaya mcm ala2 nk berperang dah aku...haha...and mcm biasa, sg besar ni kalo time raya dah mcm jem kt kl..hehe...makanya better naik motor kalo nk ke pekan tu...kalo x, korang memang terperangkap lah....

disebabkan x ckp korum thn ni...makanya thn ni tema baju raya family adalah color pastel..adik2 laki I tanya, "color pastel tu apa?" I bgtahu lah "color pastel tu color2 yg lembut". sekali diaorg tanya lagi..."mcm mana nk tahu color tu lembut ke tak?" haha...tipikal laki tul lah adik2 I otak aku terus je jwb gini "gi sentuh kain tu..letak jari kat kain lembut ke idok kain tu."..haha..terpinga2 budak2 ni..last sekali aku bgtahu lah contoh color: cream, hijau epal, baby blue ke...payah2 sekali gi tanya akak kt jakel tu, ni color pastel ke? (spt biasa, baju2 melayu aron aziz, nabil ahmad memang akan dicari oleh kaum adam di jakel plus free sampin..ok apa?)

thn ni solat raya kat umah cause I, ijah and kak ety gi lambat...sekali surau penuh da...honestly, I prefer solat aidiladha compare raya pose...tenang sikit keadaan..hehe

oklah, meh layan sikit gamba...tq to maz and ijah
thn ni tukar sikit tmpt...our official picture with mom and dad and other single siblings..hehe 

selfie di pagi raya..yeah!!dapat duit raya

pak din & biha di johor pg raya

along, kak lin, azam, iman, auni & hariz di pg raya kat umah di n9

d girls

selfie time

yes...berjaya kelihatan kurus di sini..hehe

me & kembar...huhu asal ijah tinggi & kurus dr I ni...di umah nenek

us at nenek house

the boys..meh2...single lagi

before berangkat ke umah nenek

d doctors...MO and future doctor

sempat lagi selfie

ok, tu cite raya part I, akan bersambung lagi di part 2...

tq for reading and take care^-^

Friday, July 1, 2016

bila mood raya sudah datang


bila mood raya sudah datang......apa yang perlu di buat.....sila pilih

(A) kemas barang
(B) bos pun x de, apa kata balik awal
(C) menghadap computer 1 hari tapi buat benda lain
(D) tengok jam
(E)balik je, x payah nak kata apa2...jerit kuat2 satu office untuk mengumumkan kepulangan anda

bagi saya, saya pilih C...haha...di tambah ada meeting kt UPM hr ni....rsnya, mood keje masih ada lagi ke? haha...of course tidak....kena pujuk diri untuk buat

ok semua pembaca hasnahweb...tq for reading and berhati2 selalu and utk kali ni masa raya...berhati2 di jalan raya, di rumah dan etc...hati2 main bunga api and mercun....jgn lupa berkunjung di rumah saudara mara and rakan2 walaupun rancangan di tv giler banyak yg nk angkut tv bwk gi jln2...haha...kunci rumah baik2 ya and kalo ada benda penting, bwk je blk kg sekali...haha

ok, selamat hari raya caused kat kg sy payah sikit nak buka laptop ni....maaf zahir batin

tq for reading again ^-^