Tuesday, December 27, 2016

komuter link i card: student 2017


dah hujung2 thn ni..jgn lupa ya apa2 yg perlu ditukar...atm cards, card royalti kedai etc...and paling penting to those pengguna tegar ktm mcm i...card komuter perlu ditukar

start from 01 january 2017, kad komuter yg lama tu x valid ya guys....jadi, kena cepat2 tukar ya kwn2 yg masih bergelar student tu..kalo x, x dptlah off 50% everytime korang nak travel. and start thn dpn gak, kad komuter yg mcm korang ada skrg ni, hanya valid utk ktm shj..means kalo korang nk beli tiket ets ke, ke padang besar ke...kena ada kad asing...huhu..

utk memohon kad ets and seangkatan dgn perjalanan yg jauh...korang boleh ke web site ktm. lupa pulak, sekarang ni semua info boleh isi online utk apply kad ni:

and cari ruangan pd perkhidmatan dlm talian and click KTM i-card...isi semua info and korang boleh byr online. make sure ada no rujukan (memang disediakan), br korang leh byr online. kalo no rujukan x de, korang silalah pinjam laptop atau guna pc yg lain ya. oh ya, korang boleh minta diaorg antar kad korang ke alamat korang ataupun korang call office ktm level 2 (no office ada pd invoice) and request to ambil sendiri kad tu. kad ini bernilai rm35, lps korang isi semua info and byr, invoice akan di hantar to your email yg korang tulis 

utk apply kad ktm (komuter link)...korang gi ke website ktm:
 cari ruangan pd perkhidmatan dlm talian and click Komuter link. sila download borang pada first ruangan tu. borang tu, utk pengesahan sampai bila korang punya tarikh pembelajaran..sila request pada staff student affairs atau sesetengah uni ke bhgn registration. isi borang  ni pun online jugak. b4 that  korang kena scan borang pengesahan tadi, ic and student card...sebab lps dah isi online tu, korang kena upload benda yg korang scan tadi tu. and then pihak ktm akan bg email mengatakan info korang dah diterima..utk kad ni, korang kena gi ke kl sentral aras 2. gi ke kaunter komuter link, berdepan dgn kaunter ambil no utk ets train. b4 ke sana, sila print form berkenaan atau kalo x de printer, korang tunjukkan email yg korang dpt tu...tp pd pendapat i, better korang print..senang sikit kerja staff kat situ...besar sikit nk baca nama and ic korang. harga 1 kad ialah rm5 and korang boleh terus topup kad korang kat situ...and after dpt kad & topup, korang leh guna dah kad tu...x payah nk beratur..pendek cite, kad ni sama fungsi dgn touch and go just kalo nk topup, korang still kena ke ktm counter...i x nampak pulak kaunter lain utk topup kad ni..hehe. oh ya, kaunter ni dibuka bermula 9pg-5ptg (isnin-jumaat) & sabtu (9pg-1 tengah hari: sampai 31.12.2016). tutup pd cuti am and ahad.

ok semua, hope info ini dpt membantu pembelanjaan semua. jgn lupa tukar kad utk dpt penjimatan berbaloi2 ya...

tq for reading and take care^-^  

Thursday, December 22, 2016

hapi graduation day kak zu & tiqa


sekitar hari convocation 2 months ago....and for this time memang paling ramai my team yg convo sekali...kak zu, kak ina & helmi and others friends which I met at immb uitm...

well done guys!!!korang punya azab sudah terlepas and berjaya menjawab dgn jayanya...huhu...cepat2 lah i ikut jejak langkah korang ni ya...amin

with the lovely friend celebrate kak zu convocation...susun ikut ketinggian..huhu

happy face on the kak zu's photoshoot and the present

atiqah convocation photoshoot

with others

baiklah, for next year....sy mesti berusaha utk mempergiatkan tahap membereskan study ku...kekawan seperjuangan ramai dah habis ni...x nak lah ketinggalan jauh..huhu

ok, take care and tq for reading ^-^

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

birthday celebration


yes, blog bersawang lagi..huhu...byk sgt keje, kena marah lagi, stress and mcm2 plan yg di plan for 2016 x menjadi...huhu...kelam kabut sungguh hujung thn ni and most of the plan is not come out well...huhu...

ok, lupakan pasal i...cite sikit2 je...post lain sambung pasal emosi yg x stabil ni...k, flash back for birthday party..birthday party for those who were born in the 29/9, 6/10 and 7/10...kak ety, hariz and my dad...alhamdulilah, hariz dah 1 thn and dah x msk wad lagi...he had asthma when he was 7 months...teruk gak lah sampai selang 1 bln je msk wad..and alhamdulilah it became better...hope sihat selalu ya, sian tengok along and kak lin ulang alik ke serdang hospital..huhu...and to kak ety, moga murah rezeki, sihat and apa yg di citakan menjadi nyata...and of course sentiasa pemurah pada adiknya ini...to dad, thanks for everything and hope you will be happy, health and we can chat a lots when i go back to sg besar...

for this triple celebration, the place ni lain sikit...cause ms ni kak ety nk gi london for her medic exam..and we celebrate the birthday at the food court klia sepang...jauh tak???gila jauh..biasanya kt umah je...

ok, picture time
hariz di pagi hari on his first birthday celebration

makan cake & sate

kak iman moody caused baru bangun tido...ya lah, nk dekat kul 10 br mkn cake ni...esok nk sekolah lagi...azam yg masih segar...auni dr awal dtg sampai nak balik tido je kat stroler...x sedar2...leh tahan jugak bdk ni tido x sedar diri...ikut sapa la

yang di rai


the cake

that's all for the post......see u soon

hariz yg selalu x de perasaan and menangis bila org lain pegang dia...hish..ish

thank u for reading...take care ^-^

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

jalan2 di marina island park, perak


post berjalan2 yg dah berkurun which was about 2 months ago....ms tu teman maz, cr umah di area perak and officially now, i am alone in KL....nope, i mean, x de dah anak2 perempuan cikgu maamor di sisiku...haha

marina cove ni berdekatan dgn teluk batik and one of the way or jetty to go to pangkor island...utk parking, rm20 dikenakan...so, tempat ni lapang and korang boleh lah parking kat mana2. kalo korang nak melepak2 ambil angin and gamba2 kat sini pun boleh...parking kat situ and charge akan dikira perhour....lupa lah pulak berapa tp x mahal lah pendek cite....selain jetty, ada jugak tempat mkn2 and jual brg2 utk di bawa pulang...

tempat ni memang cantik dgn angin yg best and sgt best utk korang ambil gambar kawin, konvo atau bersuka ria dgn sahabat atau kwn2....jom tengok gamba

dekat area jetty...jetty utk tunggu kapal di sebelah kiri

with the signage

feeling ala2 duduk barat

the selfie

berlatarkan pulau and langit yg membiru

with the love one

ok, kalo korang alang2 gi teluk batik tu....meh lah singgah sini....ambik2 gambar...memang terbaik...hehe

tq for reading and take care ^-^

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

hapi graduation day Dr adiya


bln convocation sudah kembali...kejapnya lah 1 thn berlalu...rsnya br je bising2 nk gi penang cause maznah punya convocation...huhu...what does i mean? it means that dlm ms 1 thn ni memang x banyak progress yg berlaku...x leh jadi ni....kena byk progress berlaku utk next year...and a few days left for 2016....mustahil? well yap..it seems impossible but with the drastic plan and confident...i believe it's not impossible....

ok, back to the tittle...kak diya convocation....seriously, sapa2 yg kenal and rapat...bila diaorg dah siapkan study diaorg and already graduate....memang bangga dpt kwn mcm ni but at the same time..huhu..jelouslah caused diaorg dah habis...huhu....azab diaorg dah lepas and it left to me pulak mcm mana nk melepasi azab ini....huhu

ok, majlis convocation was held on Saturday: 15 October 2016 at University Malaya and the graduation was open by sultan Perak as the Chancellor of University Malaya....and during that day, the award was for PhD graduate aka there's not a lot of people during that day...hehe...patutlah nampak mereka yg bertopi leper je kuar dr dewan..hehe....i went there with muni and muni was able to change her bank islam atm card before we went to met kak diya and her family....oh ya, UM bank Islam was open on Saturday and it was located near the chancellor hall, rumah uni and hir building...so, for those who don't have a time to change their atm bank islam, this maybe one option to change it during weekend...change it before 31 december 2016...hehe

so, before jumpa kak diya....x kan dengan tangan kosong kan...haruslah berikan sesuatu yg relate with convocation which was fresh flowers....hehe...oklah..lets look at the pictures:
antara doctor2 falsafah yg dilahirkan oleh UM dlm majlis convocation br2 ini

us with anak kak diya...hehe...anak sepupu

around chancellor hall

the candid picture....jubah utk phd warna hijau and scroll pun in green color... 

kak diya with her friend: rani 

keadaan dlm hall

to kak diya...tahniah on your graduation day...at last after few years of suffer, tears, sweat...u finally make it!!yaeh...i am so proud to have a friend that I can rely on statistic...hehe....after ni i really need your guide and opinion for my statistic....doakan I cepat2 ikut jejak langkah u...amin...ok hasnah...that's your big mission in the next 2 years.....

and at last 

girls generation picture.....hehe

ok, tq for reading and take care ^-^

Thursday, October 13, 2016

movie review: deep water horizon


haha...review movie lagi...deep water horizon...napa i terjebak tengok cite ni? haha...sebab i suka dgn lakonan watak utama cite ni: Mark Wahlberg...ala yg berlakonan cite shooter, transformer etc...and tak tahu pulak pada mulanya this movie was based on the true event or story...patutlah org komen sapa2 yg kerja kat pelantar minyak kena tengok cite ni...and my big brother who taught something related to petrol subject (i forget the name of the subject) asked his student to watch it

this story started with the hero and some of his friends went back to deepwater horizon after their off duty...pada awal cite ni dah tunjukkan ada keretakan pada simen yg menampung deepwater horizon ni...tetapi tidak diambil serius..bila ditanya, yg tukang periksa tu x nak bgtahu exact status mengenainya....and bila pekerja-pekerja ni nk sedut minyak tu, salah satu pressure mesin telah menunjukkan ada masalah tetapi masih di ambil x peduli..lagi2 company yg berurusan dgn deepwater horizon..bp. no wonderlah station minyak bp sekarang x byk...maybe masih struggle atau sedang di belenggu hutang after bayar pampasan pada pekerja and family yg terlibat...entahlah...maka, bila perkara pressure ni di ambil x peduli, tekanan minyak/lumpur yg dipam ke deepwaterhorizon bertambah dan semakin x boleh di control hinggalah menyebabkan kebakaran.....cite ni jugak menceritakan pasal cara diorg nk selamat kan diri sendiri dan bagaimana yg terkorban tu menemui ajalnya....di sebabkan kes berkenaan....terjadinya limpahan minyak yg banyak perairan tu and mengambil masa yg lama utk dibersihkan

the poster

limpahan minyak

moral drp cite ni: safety first...kalo korang rasa ada something sgt pelik....jgnlah teruskan niat anda tu...better tanya a few opinion org yg berlainan....SOP juga perlu ada dan perlu dipractice...i bg 4 starts for this story

ok, tq for reading and take care ^-^

Monday, September 26, 2016

Bucket list


disebabkan bucket list ni sedang viral di FB...meh try pada diri sendiri pulak...hehe

1. Been married: ............  huhu….hopefully soon
2. Gone on a blind date: ......   pnah….and haruslah gi sendiri & di tempat awam and paling penting waktu pagi…temankan kwn lagi lah selalu…
3. 👥 Skipped school: ...........  …skrg ni asal pg isnin je rs nak buat mcm tu..huhu
4. 🐌 Been to France : ....... tp kalo gi, nak gi yg tempt desa2 sikit
5. Ridden in an ambulance:  …alhamdulilah setakat ni belum lagi
6. Been to America: ........ https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v5/udf/1/16/274e.png …and kalo gi pun…nk tmpt mcm desa2 sikit
7. Been to Europe : .......... ✅ 2010…memang x kan lupa sampai bila2
8Been to Cape Town: ...........   ❎...nak gi gak, leh tengok safari diaorg
9. 🚁 Flown in a helicopter: ........  tp nak try gak…mcm best je
10. Been on a cruise: ........  harusla teringin..
11. ☔️ Danced in the rain: .........  ms kecik2 dulu…aci tak?
12.Sung: .................  ade ke org xpnah?ni aktiviti di kala rs nk jerit
13. ☎️prank calls: ............... 
14. laughed so hard you cried: ....  kekadang rs nk guling2
15. ❄ played in snow: ........  kat genting..haha
16. Had a pet: ....ikan
17.🏂 Been sledding on a big hill: ..  teringin nk nk try...lg2 tengok triplet dlm return of superman buat hr tu
18. Been downhill skiing: .....  menarik gak activity ini....biasa guna basikal je..haha
19. Been jet skiing: ...... 
20. 🚩 Ridden on a quad:….menarik utk di try ni
21.Travelled on a bus, train & coach.. ✅..selalu..lagi2 train
22.✈ Jumped out of a plane: .. .NEVER!
23.🎬 Been to an outside movie:.....
24.🐫 Ridden a camel ... jarang jumpa unta…jumpa ms tengok tv..haha
25.🐎 Ridden a donkey: ..... ni pun Nampak kat tv je
26.🎬 Been on TV: ...... Nampak kelibat lalu lalang je kat tv tu..haha
27.📰 Been in the newspaper: ... ❎…I belum sampai tahap nk msk paper lagi
28.🏥 Stayed in hospital: ..... ❎ belum lagi setakat ini
29.💉 Donated blood: ....... sebab hb selalu low, x pun cukup2 mkn…nanti kalo pengsan sapa yg susah
30.📌 Had a piercing: ..... ✅…since I was 6 years old until now
31.🐾 Had a tattoo: ....... harom…mcm x cantik la buat tatooo ni
32.🚙 Driven over 150 km/h: ....  ❎ sebab I pegang stereng kete pun jarang…haruslah x kan bwk selaju tu
33.🏠 Lived on your own: .... ✅ duduk asrama pun di kira kan? kalo kira since I was 13 years old lah mcm tu
34.📝 Had a speeding ticket: .... ❎..bwk laju pun x pernah
35.💊 Broken a bone: ..... ❎ lg…alhamdulilah
36.📍 Had stitches: ... ❎ lg..alhamdulilah
37.💺 Travelled Alone: ...... teringin nk try….huhu...mcm best je travel sorang2...maybe after finish this I will it 

ok, that's the bucket list...looks like there are more x compare to tick symbol...haha...need to work hard to achieve it...

ok, tq for reading & take care ^-^
moh melancong bersama...dlm negara ala2 suasana desa gitu..hehe

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

selamat pengantin baru faizah


aktiviti weekend lepas memang menarik...berjalan2 and di kala mlm harinya menghadap laptop utk buat keje sekolah...huhu...ok, start the weekend activity with lovely friends from ktt and msu to faizah wed (new friend I met during effy's wed at sarawak) at sabak bernam

ms mula2 dpt kad jemputan...and saw the date..hish...date ni memang akan diingati but the day tu agak rare kalo kat area sabak bernam atau selangor for the new wed to do their reception cause it was friday...kalo area pantai timur tu, kurang rare sikit...

makanya, kami: I, eni, ima and effy (terbang dr sarawak-sabak bernam) pergi ke umah faizah yg terletak di homestay air manis, sabak bernam...haha, disebabkan kesalahfahaman di whatsup, i almost x gi..haha, sorry guys...and bila almost sampai kat tempat kejadian, kami hampir salah msk umah pengantin (selang beberapa buah dr umah pengantin, ada kenduri utk hr keesokkannya) and mujur org kg tlg tunjukkan jln yg betul...and menurut org tu, ramai jugak yg salah umah kerana kedudukan lokasi yg berdekatan..hehe...nasib x masuk

ok, overall....pelamin cantik, baju faizah pun cantik...nice food and paling x leh lupa cakoi...dap sgt...a lots of sweet kat candy booth..haha..i love food...and we met shasha and her friends there...eh silap, kitaorg sampai dulu br shasha sampai...and homestay ni jugak adalah milik family faizah...what a good business kan?

ok, pic time: kredit to eni
the pengantin & pelamin....nice right?

eni with faizah

the pengantin with effy and eni


to faizah and hubby...selamat pengantin baru...enjoy the new tittle, dikurniakan a lots of cute babies and moga kekal hingga ke jannah...

ok, that's all for the wed....on d way blk kl...menyinggah kat umah I di sungai besar, singgah2 beli makanan kat tepi & went to subang parade...hehe...what a lovely journey & celebrate hr malaysia for this year

ok, tq for reading & take care ^-^

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

merdeka 2016


hapi merdeka day semua....apa erti kemerdekaan ini bg korang tahun ini? bg I, merdeka tahun ni adalah kedukaan caused sample utk study x mencapai target since 2 weeks ago..huhu...x pe, positive think and hope agar mencapai objektif...

nanti i will pos kat blog ni, inclusion and exclusion criteria utk sapa2 yg nak join study saya ok...hope ada yg bermurah hati utk sukarela join projek ini...really appreciate it...

kalo time merdeka ni, apa yg paling I ingat....of course lagu2 yg di tulis oleh pak ngah and muzikal yg kwn lelaki ms sekolah dulu performed..memang thump up lah korang...and the new song for merdeka, yg I suka is yg ada bahasa sabah/sarawak kat tengah lagu tu...very malaysian

marilah meraikan merdeka ini seadanya and this year memang byk kedai2 yg buat promosi hebat such as boat noodle, Starbucks, secret etc...so, jgn lupa serbu kedai2 yg menawarkan promosi hebat ini....mungkin this year can be a food hunting year sempena merdeka..hehe

ok, take care & merdeka!!!  

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

olimpik rio 2016


Olimpik rio 2016....tamat akhirnya...ok, caused I have 3 brothers, and malas nk berebut tv, makanya layan sajalah channel sukan ni...and yg betul2 game I watched were final man double badminton, semi final man single badminton, final man badminton, last day of balapan event....

ok, sorotan and pendapat peribadi about rio...words i can said was it's not our time yet...ya, meman sedih tp I know all the atlit yg bertanding had given their 110% but it's not our rezeki yet...watched the men single semi final between lcw and lin dan...memang thump up...diaorg memang lagendlah...so, professional and hopefully one day, I able to see their child play badminton together...when? haha..I don't know..and when the man double play, it seem like the gold medal was in our hand...but..it's not the time yet..huhu..sumpah sedih wei..sikit lagi and bila lcw nampak keletihan di akhir2 game lawan chen long..memang gold medal is not ours yet...begitu juga dgn mix double..thump up and memang tidak diletakkan harapan pada mulanya...caya lah korang...and the best moment was malaysia play 3 out of 5 games during final...memang semacam je kan pencapaian diorg...korang memang best

x lupa juga buat penerjun (perak) and our rocket man for the bronze....dgn saiz kecil berjaya mengayuh basikal dgn mantapnya...thump up...and to duo penerjun caused berjaya membuat terjunan dgn hebatnya...

sukan...perkara yg berjaya menyatukan byk bangsa...parti yg bermasam muka and topik perbualan yg best dgn org yg baru korang kenal....hopefully in next 2020 in tokyo...kilauan emas yg di impikan for more than 60 years will be reality....

congrats to Malaysia team to the best achievement in Olympic and hopefully it will be upgrade in next 2020 Olympic...sama dgn misi Malaysia mencapai negara maju 2020...hope the program yg di aturkan oleh MSN, boleh membantu atlit kita mencapai kejayaan

p/s: sepanjang olimpik ni, paling kagum tengok atlit wanita drp spain utk acara lompat tinggi final...dgn pakai spek hitam, rantai and gelang and paling penting b4 terjun tu, dia buat pergerakan jari dia ke arah tempat yg dia nk lompat...menarik gila...and the best part was she was 37 years old and still fit and most important thing she won gold medal....thump up

ok, thanks for reading....take care<->    

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

movie review: lights out


ok, lama tul x tonton movie and entry kali ni is regarding to movie which I saw with lovely 2 sisters: maz and ijah at space u8...movie ni memang ijah yg nak pilih walaupun di bangkang sepenuhnya oleh maz: lights out..hehe

secara kesimpulan: haruslah cite antu..hehe...and the ghost only appear during the lights out. therefore, to make the person to be survive in the movie, i mean the actor and actress, they have to be stay under the light...the story start with the murder of the second lead actress: the mom's husband without know who is the murder. later for the past month, the lead actor: small kid, boy was caught cause sleep in the class. the teachers tried to call his mother but she didn't pick up. therefore, the teachers call the boy's sister to pick him up from school and told her about his brother sleep's case. The sister ask why and the boy said he cannot sleep at the night because of diana...the sister suddenly silent and ignore the boy until they reached to the mom's house. the sister didn't live together with the mom...the mom looked so weird and suddenly she took his brother to her home....b4 this her brother ask for the same thing but the sister didn't allow him to stay with her. at night at the sister's house, something weird happen which made the sister realized that, something long ago which she didn't believe it, actually it's really happen. ok, what happened next? haha..haruslah tengok sendiri

cite ni memang korang akan terkejut2...kus semangat...huhu....and the story line move faster which I like it...hehe

one of the scene in the movie

ok, don't  forget to watch this movie...sila jerit kuat2 utk lepaskan tension...hehe

ok, take care ^-^

Thursday, July 28, 2016

ceriteraya part 6: duit raya


selain drp baju, makanan dan rumah yg cantik berhias...ada satu benda yg wajib ada ms raya..well, it cannot say 'wajib' but that's the tradition yg di amalkan since century ago...haha...yes..it's duit raya

ok, ms kecik2 dulu...paling banyak i dpt pun dlm rm 200 lebih..compare kids nowdays, it can be reach to 1k...hoho..untunglah..so, jgn lupa menabung ya adik2...utk kesenangan korang jugak...x gitu? and seiring dgn the age increased ni, adakah I dah start bg duit raya to the kids? hehe...the answer is NO...hoho sorry kids...I still not working yet and in sha allah, bila I dah start keje, I will give duit raya to the kids...combined the duit raya with my dad...hehe..ada sesetengah org je yg akan dpt duit raya dr I which are my little siblings (amat,ajib,ijah and maz...pak din? hmmm...his salary was more than mine, so I should duit raya from him right?...hehe) & of course my naughty+gorgeous+cutie anak2 buah: azam, iman, auni and hariz...hehe

ok, adakah I still got duit raya...haha...of course I got it..mostly from my adorable and forever sis: kak ety and bapak and some of my uncle still 'hulur' duit raya to me. and for this year also, I enter a competition in one blog. the visitor who leave the highest comment during a month (at that time during ramadhan)..got duit raya from the admin...haha..di sebalik kesibukkan, sempat jugaklah tinggalkan komen to every post yg admin blog to update...and guess what...I won the duit raya prize...tq to the admin...for your info, this blog gave me a latest or in coming news about the malay drama. which novel will be adapted to the drama as well as some tips that useful in the daily life...ok, jgn lupa jengah kat blog ni tau:

ok, for my personal opinion, budaya duit raya ni harus diteruskan caused bila lagi kita nak bersedekah secara berterusan beberapa hari kalo bkn ms raya...tp biarlah berpada2..jgn meraung di kemudian hari bila tengok baki duit di bank slps raya..hehe

ok, tq for reading and take care ^-^
p/s: I join lagi lah acara mcm ni...bg komen terbanyak...mana tahu ada rezeki...amin....   

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

ceritaraya part 5: with lovely uitm's buddies


yeah..still in raya mood and this time mood raya with lovely buddies in immb UiTM. haha...disebabkan kekangan masa dan waktu (haha..hyperbola sgt)...maka mini rumah terbuka ini diadakan di rumah syud, someway around damansara during weekend. yeah...weekend during raya month will be full of open house...hehe...maka bertabahlah semua dgn makanan yg banyak msk dlm perut (rezeki jgn ditolak) & jem yg luar biasa di mana-mana...

ok, kesimpulannya utk mini open ini ....it's quite good+happy+glad to be surrounding with the familiar face. some face that you know for few years and used as well as forever to be your lab group...hehe...tq syud & family caused terima kami beraya di sana...although some of us currently had their own career and the last 3 persons stand in our hbp's group...our relationship still grow well and hopefully to jannah...aminnn...sharing our laugh, tear, fear and scream together. and also happy to be closed with some new face as i will keep in touch with immb perhaps in other a year..hehe. makanan? jgn ckplah...memang byk sgt...rs nk meletop dah perut...konsep pot luck ni memang best cause everyone will bring their food together and at the same time, it not caused burden to the tuan rumah...x gitu?

ok, pic time:
our group start this mini open house at sima house...I'm not in the scene cause I got work to do at UCSI university...huhu

food festival at syud's house...ni br separuh je tau...ada lagi separuh...as for me, i bring the moist chocolate cake which I bought it at KTM TBS..hehe...semua mkn memang the best lah..thump up...lontong+cute mini cup cake (syud), kuah sup+rendang ayam+rendang daging+brownies+nutella cake(julia), spaghetti (wani), potato salad(fifi),nasi impit+ketupat palas (put, yat and farah-ada cite kelakar pasal ns impit tu..hehe), new york cheese cake(umi-not in the picture cause umi dtg lambat)..hehe   

tu dia cake from sima...sedap wei...x tipu

us at syud's house..mkn2 sambil layan big hero..hehe

oppss..cake jatuh

with kak zu's family

makan sampai nk pecah perut and mr membungkus makanan selepas itu

a few days later was immb's open house..huhu...thn ni x dpt join...nasib dah join syud punya open house..bestnya korang!!!

ok, that's it for raya with uitm buddies...mcm mana ya raya kami for the next year..hehe...entahlah...tp yg penting hbp group kena ada open house sendiri ...hehe..moga ukuwah yg terjalin will stand forever till jannah

ok, adakah ceritaraya berakhir di sini...hehe....meh tunggu for the next week..i pun x tahu lagi

ok guys, tq for reading and take care^-^

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

ceritaraya 2016 part 4:with buddies


in my previous post..were all about my lovely family...and now is my buddies turn: kak diya, muni and ikin and for this year add other one...anis, muni's sister

ok, cite perjalanan bermula when ikin delivered a good news during ramadhan that she had safely delivered a cute baby boy...alhamdulilah...the tan tin tun junior was safely arrived...so, we decided to go to ikin's house in melacca...haha, last year we went there due to ikin's weeding and this year due to ikin's baby

ok, b4 we started our journey to melacca, kak diya invited us to her place: the annual place for us to celebrate hari raya and this year was our 4 years here...hehe...we watched dia semanis honeymoon part 5 and ate nasi lemak and cookies...hehe..then we started our travel to melacca....and safely arrived at 1.30pm at ikin's house

ikin's baby was soooo cute...walaupun dia tido je...baby kan....look like his father..i think...thanks mummy and kila for the nice foods and other facilities while we were there...hehe and managed to capture some moment with ikin's baby while he was wake up...sorry guys, i forget the name as the name was not familiar to my ears...hehe...

picture time
with ikin's baby

ala nk tido pulak

official tan tin tun picture....tq kila caused take the picture

at tmpt wajib..tq mel ambikan gamba...nanti kitaorg dtg lagi..hehe

ok, that's it for part 4 entry...tq for reading and take care ^_^