ok,kali ni nk share pasal reunion genome 2015...idea asal utk reunion ni was came from fawaz (he currently lived in UK, continue his phd and he will be in Malaysia for few months for cuti2)...proposal regarding to reunion ni dah di buat almost 3-4 months mini? cause this reunion is for ex-genome who now lived around kuala lumpur and Selangor...and there are nearly 9 persons from ex-genome who lived around this area
so, the date was 28/12/2015..monday after working hour...and the placed was at kak fini's lovely house at section 22, shah alam... well, perasaannya bila tengok semua org yg dtg? mesti lah best and of course semuanya mengalami sedikit perubahan pd diri masing2...means that kami membesar bersama2 selari dengan peningkatan umur masing2..haha...well when u're near or at your 30's, it was a little bit difficult to maintain your weight without diet and exercise...means, kalo korang sibuk pun keje, 2 benda ni lah penyelesaiannya...haha....utk kali ni, list yg dtg were: me, jue(pakej with hubby and maira and adam), mar(with hubby zul), yan yan, kak fini aka tuan rumah (with hubby-abg amin) and fawaz (with his wife)...yg x dpt menghadirkan diri: tasya, kak marin and arfah)
jom tengok gambar...kredit to fawaz:
rumah kak fini....I suka umah kak fini...adam sado x ready ms ni...minta lps nk jalan2 |
peace...adam sado dah ready |
d girls |
d girls plus maira |
d boys |
jue family & fawaz family |
fawaz family & mar family |
fawaz family with hmmm...the single ladies...haha
before end, thanks to kak fini for the mkn2...sorry x leh nk mkn time buat pagi jom...boleh melantak byk sikit plus byk sikit masa nk berborak and moga kita dpt kumpul sesame mcm ni lagi....
walaupun kita sibuk berkerjaya and jauh berkelana, persahabatan yg terjalin perlu di kekalkan cause sahabat itu org yg bakal membantu anda selain drp keluarga sendiri
ok, take care and tq for reading ^-^ |
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