I was graduated from MSU back on 2008...bila lama x bukak external disk ni, terasa nk buka, what's inside it...I make a new habit since I'm further my study last January and this habit is about keeping all your study in other backup...huhu.....
and when opening it, I saw picture folder...huhu...missing my old friends during MSU yg kadang2, jarang2, and x pernah jumpa since we're graduate....haha, and the change of my face from undergraduate until now...
ok, here's pic...
from left: ain, eni, me, ami, eha and ima.....after dpt duit pinjaman mara...thanks ALLAH we got it after we're waiting for more than 1, bersuka ria di afamosa resort....1 perjalanan yg menarik+mencabar+best....glad to had our vocation together and I want it again..hehe ^-^ |
during dini's wed back on buat arwah jun (pakai bj warna ungu tu)...tepi ain is mar...sebelah arwah jun tu shasha & ann....I was closed with them during my last year in MSU cause 2 groups need to be in 1 group...and during 1 of our subject, I'm in same group with them...ain was in other group |
during our explore race. from left: eha, ct, arfah, me & kak ina at taman tasik shah alam |
explore race: the only photo with most of our biomedic friends in...haha.... |
present for wani & yana b4 they fly to further medic in Poland....currently they already back in Malaysia and both of them are already married.....beside ain, those in the pictures are others who I am quite close during MSU. and iman (wear pink tudung) currently in uk further her phd |
after makan raya |
makan2 kat seksyen 2.....eha, kak di & iman |
our last dinner event |
after watched mid night movie at sunway pyramid |
gambar paling lagend ms dinner....oh ya, our dinner theme was 70's....I really enjoy saw this was full of story u can make and it was fun |
my sabahan friend. we used to had our class at shah alam stadium |
the twin as they share the same birthday date...ain & nora |
after bowling game at pass, shah alam |
mentor mantee |
this is ct and I never met her since our graduation...we only contact via fb and blog....ct really miss our time together...meh lah dtg kl tau...lepak sesame
although we kadang2, jarang2 and never since each other after convocation....please keep in touch through fb and blog ok...really miss our time together and hope we have chance to met each other...sila tegur sy ya kekawan2..takut x perasaan..I always pray for your guys happiness and success
and last picture....everyone mesti ada 1 org kawan yg berkepit dgn korang kan?...for me, that person yg ms matrix I told her I don't want to be her housemate ms degree nanti...but perancangan ALLAH tu lagi baik...we're together until usm...that person is |
eha.....although it is so hard to lepak2 with her, I always remember eha, thanks for being a closed person to me during matrix until degree..tq for tumpang2kan I and belanja I and taking care of me and be nice with me....jom bercuti together again ^-^
thanks for reading...take care ^-^ |
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