ahak...actually their anniversary was a month eza & kuzek...hapi anniversary & may a lot of good things happened in your life as a couple & having lots of kids...
motive why I'm doing this post is recently, I just see my picture during their wed at kuzek side as me was eza pengapit at that night...the most happing pengapit job I ever do
and for this year...I maybe will not be pengapit to any bride since I handle other event in my university....not because of me will be a bride in my own wedding...hehe
ok, photo time and thanks for eza for tagging me through the FB:
ikin, eza and me...after the event...yeah... |
the pengantin & pengapit...from left: kuzek, kopang, azhar, me, ikin and eza posed at the dias..all of us know each other very d way, what is azhar try to do with kopang in this picture? |
the simple and elegant photobooth...currenlt update: ikin already has someone aka her husband and as for me, still searching for the one who hold my heart...ahaks
ok, at eza & kuzek for the picture...and for those want to hire their photographer, just go to their ig:
Personally, I quite happy with their photographer cause they will teach you how to post and will make u comfortable within a short time...mcm me and ikin, main suka2 minta ambil photo but they just follow our request ..haha...memang sempoi and what is the most important, their pictures are superb and u will look beauty to have them on my own wedding..haha...
thanks for reading...take care ^-^
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