impian ini it was planning almost 2 years ago....nope a long ago since I was at Kelantan but bersemangat lagi2 when I moved back to Selangor. Why? because of waiting for that person and that person and until early February 2015...'muni..jom gi broga hjg bln 2' hook and by crook..and praying at that time we still fit and healthy and hopefully it was not raining a night before we went there and most of the thing..we're able to wake up early..perhaps 5 am in the morning...waking up at 5 I will say it was the most challenging thing to do..haha...
so...the date was 28 February 2015...and alhamdulilah, set jam kul 5 am and woke up at 5..I siap mimpi dah ada kat broga hill but lastly I finalize that I just woke up and still at muni's bad at muni's house.hhuhu... but muni bangun early than, attendance kali ni were me, muni and muni housemate, fara...maka, dengan menggunakan technology: google map (if I didn't mistake) as none of us knew the exact location of broga hill...ok, fyi..broga hill was located at semenyih, closed to Kajang and nak lagi mudah u guys will see Nottingham university, Malaysia campus before u reach the, from segambut KL where muni lived, it took about 45 minutes..jadi, dah bangun pagi awal tu...need to perform suboh, ada 2 places: either petronas (lps traffic light and korang turn right...x jauh dr situ..petronas jln semenyih)...or kalo korang terlepas..well pagi2..mata kureng sikit..kat masjid after traffic light gak...boleh menambah pahala solat berjemaah..alhamdulilah
so, apa yg korang perlu persiapkan before your climb the hill....firstly your outfit..t-shirt, seluar, your shoes..make sure y ok means x delah tertanggal tapak or licin..why cannot licin? I'll tell u..if korang nak tengok matahari terbit aka sunrise..after suboh u can climb but bring your touch suggestion if your not familiar with this hill...come as a group or couple (couple for married person ya), if anything bad happend to u (minta di jauhkan)...there are some body can take care of u..don't forget mineral water and makanan ringan such as roti, keropok etc
so, dengan cekal three of us..start climb the hill around b4 7...the environment still in the dark mode..before tu...ada 2 types of parking available here..1 berbayar just rm2..and u can park inside the fam..palm oil farm and second type-FOC parking..tepi, its up to u..which want do u like. climbing broga hill is quite challenging for those yg x pernah daki lagi..that's ok..if u fell x larat..take a short brake...deep inhale and exhale and start climb back...tinggi broga is about 400 meter and got 3 puncak..with different, hr makin mencerah ms kami mendaki and alhamdulilah..we're able to seethe sun's soooo lovely...subhanaallah
but broga hill skrg ni it is not same as before cause lalang terbakar...mungkin kesan pemanasan or maybe cause same of climbers are smoking...puting rokok x di padamkan fully and other thing is on d way turun hr tu..I saw an aunt.. Chinese lady in the middle age collect the rubbish...thank u aunty!!so, jgn tinggalkan sampah kat sini ya...just collect back your rubbish..sila jaga kebersihan utk keselasaan bersama
so...patah blk ke cite kami...mendaki..mendaki until we reach kwsn landai b4 the 1 tu it was sunrise...and we climb to the 1 puncak...take a deep breath and move to 2 puncak..haha...for this expedition we just go to 2 puncak...cause it quite a lot of people in 3 puncak plus ada yg dah x larat...that's ok..ada masa I will go there..suasana kat atas tu..memang thump up with the wind yg best and rs nk berumah kat sini pun ada....and of course pemandangan yg cantik penuh kehijauan
and masalah climb dah setel...other problem to go down the hill...lagi2 from puncak 1 to kwsn landai..ok, ada 3 laluan..laluan bertali..laluan trn secara duduk and paling extreme berlari..for me..i choose laluan trn secara duduk...ya..faster compare laluan bertali...and every step nak down hill pun need to be careful and honestly my own personal was a little bit danger compare you climb up the hill. so...for trn it took about 30 minutes and once dah sampai bawah got 2 food stalls and for us, we chose nasi lemak for our breakfast..hehe
ok...list out one of me 2015 dream...berjaya mendaki broga hill...ok, mari tengok gamba-kredit to muni for the gorgeous picture
mohon di permudahkan perjalanan..solat subuh di masjid di semenyih..lupa namanya..suasananya..ramai org..mcm rasa solat maghrib pun ada |
our starting point |
take a break 1 |
take a break II-muni & fara |
menuju puncak....laluan yg menaik di sini |
kwsan landai before naik puncak 1...u can see for your self..lalang sudah terbakar...sayang sekali |
half way to puncak pertama...suasana menghijau plus angin yg best sgt |
kat puncak pertama..actually ada lukisan di situ..but kureng lighting..lukisan tu dilukis feb 2015... |
we are the shadow girls |
terang sikit...nampak tak tulisan tu |
puas dah rehat..mencabar diri to second puncak...nak naik & turun from puncak 2 & 1 agak mudah tapi from puncak 1 to dataran yg landai sikit tu...tu yg mencabar and ada 3 laluan |
sun rise |
sun rise II |
jom naik puncak 2 |
muka terkena cahaya matahari |
merenung masa depan.....rezeki?kerja?jodoh? |
hasil tangkapan muni...nice |
me & muni kat puncak 2 |
ketinggian puncak ke-2 |
ketinggian puncak ke-1 |
jln to puncak ke-3 |
yeah!!berjaya!!! |
To sapa2 x yakin utk mendaki broga hill..try dulu but b4 tu jgn lupa training aka senam sikit2 or gi kalo naik berkumpulan reramai..dan better u guys gi before panas and trn semula before panas...track laluan ke sana pun ok...dan semua laluan dah ada..just leave to us nk guna laluan mana..pasni, leh lah try bukit yg lain pulak..haha...and mendaki setakat mana yg boleh..please don't force your self
and lastly
berjaya!!boys kat blkg tu tlg muni and farah trn dr broga..terima kasih ya adik2
ok, that's all from broga...apa hasil yg dpt selain pemandangan yg cantik? sakit kat bhgn betis and paha a day after and rs sakit when nk trn dr rumah atau ms solat...nak gelak2 ms trn tu...and kejap je..skrg ok dah...korang jgn lupa try go to sha allah selamat
thanks muni cause drove me to broga..nanti plan lagi expedition yg lain pulak
ok, guys..that's all..take care..da...da.... |
Best kan kat BrHill tu. View dia cantik sangat. teringain nak pergi lagi...
best giler...pegi jgn x pegi
congratz dpt smpi puncak. cargas
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