walk...walk & walk...sejak dok KL ni, this is one of my favorite activity during weekend..although kena wakeup early during weekend and be at the place's doesn't a big deal for me (haha...tipu..half big deal for me actually) plus di bantu oleh teman yg sekepala to do it..exercise although walking but walking non stop for 5 km...boleh consider as a good health activity compare dok terguling2 kat umah..
so, walk kali ni, under columbia of the private hospital in a few branch in Malaysia for example in seremban and how we knew about this activity? from MBO cinema at kepong that time muni & me wanted to watch interstellar & we saw the advertisement at the ticket counter...thanks MBO for the info
walk kali ni was held at titiwangsa lake on 16/11/14 & alhamdulilah the weather was good..we didn't register online to join it as muni got difficult to register, we register on that day..actually this walk was one activity of columbia hospital to raise fund for diabetes patient and every one who loved to join this activity need to pay rm20..paid for charity and got a blue goodie bag and inside the goodie bag got t-shirt (really love it..simple & nice), breakfast (hi-5 bread as they are one of the supposer for the event),watson wet tissue-one of supposer & few flyers such as for celebrity fitness etc..
actually this year was second year columbia hospital manage this event...well done guys..they got a stage for opening ceremony & performance under warner music singer (sorry guys, most the singers who performance I didn't knew them but they did have a nice voice to be a singer..keep a good sing guys) & also b4 we started our walk need to warm-up..the fun & exciting warm up from celebrity fitness staff
ok, ms walk ni..we got 3 to stop in all walking station (enjoy it, the celebrity fitness staffs were the zumba dance), selfie station & limbo rock station..and b4 we reached to finish line...a starts, I get to met tomok, g-dragon, micheal learns to rock, sleeq & a few singer under warner music who support the events..hehe...
picture time
kad penyertaan also include inside blue goodie bag...those were the activity & at the back..the 5km of walking & 3 stops for dance walk, selfie & limbo rock |
keadaan di tmpt permulaan. because a day before that event..hujan trn lebat...ada banyak mud kat padang..need to cr jln utk elak..haha.. |
me & muni with our blue t-shirt & blue goodie bag... |
us..thanks pd yg tlg ambik gambar although we didn't knew her...byk gambar candid dia ambik..hehe |
we started our 5km journey |
setiap kwsn yg lalu akan ada signboard, just follow the signboard..and ada juga few tmpt..their staffs were there to show the 3 water station...but we just got our mineral water at second station..huhu...sian muni kehausan..maybe that's one thing pihak penganjur perlu perhati for the next year event..hehe |
at selfie station..station we got our mineral water & picture time |
me... I support the program...avoid the diabetes |
muni to cure diabetes by exercise |
selfie time |
I wish I brought my monopod.... |
katamakan di dalam hati...dua2 nak ambik |
ni contoh org x tamak |
 | this program |
titiwangsa waktu pagi...ada org mendayung kat tasik |
jason mars in d house....nyanyi sikit..lucky song |
with pakcik micheal belaja nk rock...yeh!!! |
evergreen singer still in the heart |
with tomok...aku tinggi sikit dr tomok..hahah |
jgn pandang lelama...hubby org tu |
awi x bg tumpang moto...huhu |
muni tengah ngorat awi wat x tahu je |
group from indon glamour with bintang hati song |
sleeq!!!peace yo |
yeh!!muni lagi tinggi |
g-daragon oppa!!! |
releks bro |
yeh!!!we at the finish line... |
at big 5 station... |
bdk teruja leh cat tangan and cop tangan kat blkg kecik x leh buat..dah besar leh buat |
aku pun x tahu mana satu aku punya tangan...muni pun..haha |
barisan artis yg dtg...ramai sih..hehe |
selfie with high 5
ok, tamat sudah 5km jalan...walaupun jln, kuar gak peluh2 yg degil nk kuar...yeh!!so, to pihak penganjur: columbia asia hospital-thanks for anjurkan this event yg best+funny+exciting...mungkin ada a few perkara boleh di pertingkat lagi di masa hadapan such as air yg byk di station2 air & pengumuman utk cabutan bertuah...lagi awal sikit, lagi best..lama sih nk tunggu sampai 12.30...nak2 lagi cuaca yg dah start panas plus parking kete memang jauh cause ms tu ada a few event kat titiwangsa
to all supposer..korang memang best cause tlg support this event and pada sapa2 yg join jugak walk ni..moga sedikit sebanyak membantu untk fund yg columbia hospital buat tu..I really enjoy the event...nk join yg lain lagi!!
and last picture of the day |
jom mkn roti...high 5..
take care...see you ^-^ |
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