new entry about kellie's castle...ok, buka peta Malaysia...and zoom to Perak and zoom to batu gajah..batu gajah, perak..not in kelantan or any our place...kalo tak, memang x jumpa lah istana ni...but in the first place why I go there or is it I'm going there alone...of course not alone cause I went there ( need to used past tense as the event was held 2 weeks ago) with my lovely & 'giler2' usually kak diya, muni and presented my most impossible friend to get through...shikin...ok, why Perak, cause we wanted to met our first '10 siblings' who already finished her Phd study..shazlin aka kak!!only 30 years old and you already finished your phd in US..really proud of you and other 2 of our siblings will be follow her step and be a doctor..kak diya & Mar...honestly, ada sikit perasaan cemburu melihat kejayaan kawan2 but at the same time pembakar semangat untuk terus berjaya...yeh!!
ok, pada hr kejadian..parents kak lin buat kenduri kesyukuran because of her phd and safely return back to Malaysia..makanan ms kenduri memang marvelous + sedap sangat...memang kena jiwa + tekak dan perut lah..ha..ha..thump up giler lah..kak lin after more than 4 years x jumpa dia...firstly nampak dia..uh..uh...she looked so slim even wore baju kurung...uh..uh...kalo duduk oversea and you get difficulty for searching the 'halal''s will help you in eating with the good way cause most of the things, u just can eat vegetables and maybe became a vegetarian for a few days or weeks...x pe, sy yakin kak lin akan membesar sikit from now cause Malaysia is a heaven for food and need a big alert to control your food intake or will become a disease for you
ok, sempat berjalan2 ke kellie's castle shj with kak lin...ok, utk ke sana ada byk option for example from plus arah ke utara, sila exits ke batu gajah (and ada 2 tempat lagi)..and etc..utk paking ada 2 jenis parking either korang nak parking dekat pintu masuk yg dikenakan bayaran rm2 (start from 31/1/2014) or free parking..korang drive sikit after pintu utama..ala, jln pun x jauh pun..dekat gilers..kitaorg sebab x tahu..x pe lah byr je lah rm2 tu...utk kemasukkan ke istana ni..sila tunjukkan bukti anda warganegara malaysia (ic korang) & bayar rm5/sorang...for foreigner pulak if I didn't mistake rm20/30..and utk ambil gambar wed or others photo..charge berlainan dikenakan..rm50 kalo x silap (ok, yg ni aku rs x patut kot, lain lah pihak pengurusan provide something mcm air atau kerusi ke etc ke..sebab dah confirm2 diaorg guna brg diaorg sendiri...p/s: aku x tahu lah kalo diaorg provide semua kan)..tempat ni I think x sesuai utk bdk2 bwh 10 tahun..why? first, keselamatan istana ni...memang at your own risk and certain tempat mostly kat anjung tu, bahaya sikit kalo bdk2 ni pergi without guidance..and paling x sesuai for baby cause it was so hot...sangat panas dengan keadaan cuaca yg memang panas...better pegi masa ptg2 sikit..kureng sikit rs panas tu...
menanti kehadiran pelancong di sini |
perjalanan menuju ke singgahsana |
mahu gi mana? sila pilih |
my friends in front of main pintu utk masuk..from left:muni, kak diya, kak lin & shikin |
model x berbayar |
cover untuk album terbaru kami...he..he... |
me& ash |
kwn baru shikin? |
salah satu anjung di menara |
good spot for photo shoot |
gaya glamour for wedding's photo |
us..... |
kami berlima yg single, he..he... and other half of 10 siblings already got married |
umah kak lin |
us...tempat paling tinggi kat istana and boleh nampak menara masjid kat pekan batu gajah |
lift yg x siap.. supposedly be first lift been build & operate in Malaysia at that time |
belakang istana |
merenung ms depan |
depan istana kellie
overall memang best jejalan dengan kwn2...happening habis & we should go to other place together...for next info regarding to this castle, boleh terjah laman web ini:
kalo x silap, sekarang ni juga ada pakej ala2 paranormal utk melawat istana ni pada malam hari cause banyak rumors said that pemilik istana ni berkeliaran pada malam, sapa yg memiliki keberanian, apa kata korang try test..harga? x tahu cause x tanya lah pulak...kat sini jugak ada tersedia cafe, toilet & surau..utk visitors berehat and menyejukkan diri b4 went back..and ada cinema jugak pasal istana ni but at that time, rosak pulak...
ok, jgn lupa singgah kat sini..istana ni pun memang betul2 tepi jln besar...kalo x jumpa jugak...x tahu nak ckp apa lah..
ok guys, take care!!jaga diri di musim kemarau & musim denggi ni.. |
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