ok, kenduri kawin x habis cuti sekolah selagi tu lah memang bermaharajalela perkara baik ini..ok, I think may be this is the last time for this year, 2013 I attended this kind of event as there just a week to go before I can say bye2...2013 & welcome 2014 with a lot of hope and hopefully something big...really big will be happened to my life..ok, back to the main topic..nita wedding
ok, who is nita? actually we started during 2003, our matriculation day in KTT, Sepang..she was in physical class and me in biology class..and because there were less than 50 people during that time took matriculation course, so students between biology & physical class became closer as we really need each other mostly if one of us which I mean this 2 classes need each other helps mostly during malam lailasuwakarya (if I didn't mistake cause it was 10 years back)...what the dramatic+best night for us to be, after we finished our matriculation, we didn't met each other cause we're moving to other university for our degree & later I moved to Kelantan...we just knew each other news from beloved friendster and currently FB as friendster didn't exist any, it quite 10 years I never met Nita and lastly I was able to met her on her wedding day last Saturday, 21/12/13...
Nita hometown was in Ipoh which actually was near to my sister's house..I went there with lovely Ima & her friendly sepupu: umi, angah & diba..really nice finally to knew them..overall, Nita's wed was great...with the great candy & sweet booth, photo booth, guest book & the foods were tasty+delicious with varieties of nasi (got 3 types of rice..ns minyak, pelangi & ns kosong) & lauk just named it fish, squid, meat, chicken, rebung etc and also yummy cendol...yum..yum...
ok, picture time: kredit to me, ima & ima's sepupu
pelamin singgah sana buat raja sehari & during akad nikah mlm semalam |
gorgeous nita in her wedding's dress |
hantaran for nita |
hantaran for nita's hubby |
ima & Diba...belakang almari tu were fully with classic items such old iron, keris etc...classic kan? |
siap sedia utk menjemput suami tersayang with flower girls and pengapit |
sempat bergambar di kala pengantin sedang berarak masuk...ok, from left:umi, angah, ima & Diba |
it's me with the pelamin...ok, muka still besar need diet & exercise muka memang payah pun nak trn..takpe2..can try |
me & ima...already 10 years old being a friend... |
guess who will be the next |
friends from KTT..from left:the bride,nita,me,ima,zarith,syu & lovely pengapit:eni
ok, after wed Nita, kami mengembara ke Ipoh to search for the famous coffee in Ipoh but entah mcm mana leh tersesat sampai melawat ke hospital bahagia aka hospital tanjung rambutan...agak cantiks gak scene kat situ..damai je and pusing2 punya pusing...last2 sekali give up & we end up at one shops serves variety of coffee just mention it hazelnut, mecademia (sorry for the wrong spell as I'm not an expert in coffee) etc and some deserts like macaroon (it is not too a sweet macaroon), burgers and etc with...ok, this is the shops & located near round board on the way to the train station...please zoom the picture for the shop's name |
Lastly...tahniah to Nita & guys look sweet & alhamdulilah bertemu jodoh kalian...moga ikatan ini berkekalan hingga ke syurga dan having kids yg comel+soleh or solehah and friends forever nita...selalu2 update your status kat FB
before I en up this entry, I also want to congrats my schoolmate during secondary day, tina because she got married on the same day as Nita..oh, senyap2 ya...anyway, moga anda bahagia melayari status baru & alam rumah tangga
ok, see you entri was about mkn2 again...ha..ha...
take care ^-^
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