hi guys...exercise? how frequently you exercise for week? is it 2/week...1/week or maybe once a month...he..he..don't worry we're in same situation... i remember during my time in USM kelantan during both kak fini & tasya were there we used to go for aerobic class & it was a fun activity to do together in order to get your favorite body figure aka slim or to maintain your stamina...but after they gone and i was busy with my kumon class..there was no exercise sg buloh, what i did as my exercise were walking and climbing stairs to my house in 5th floor as there was no lift in my apartment and at the 4th floor i can felt that my breathe was become slowly hard...ha...ha...that was a sign of lack of stamina in my body..ha.ha...
last weekend (26th October 2013), muni, me, kak adiya and mel (kak adiya's sister) join a program called walk pink at plaza damas located around sri hartamas area if i didn't mistake as i didn't familiar with the area...why? well it was our first step to do exercise and do something fun activity together and get to know someone else's problem..walk pink actually the activity for breast cancer patients and survival..but it didn't make an excuses for us to join them and heard some of their story during the diet and daily lifestyle and some exercise can be done to fight the number one killer disease for women in Malaysia... so, guys ad we knew the early protection was really important and perhaps the man or husband should knew how to take of their beloved one by having some knowledge regarding to breast cancer...
this walkaton (walk not run like marathon) was about 3km non stop and each of us was given a pink balloon and a stick to tight the balloon & also a small ribbon, a symbolic ribbon for breast just place or pin it on our scarf...why they give us pink balloon...well besides the sign of breast cancer prevent. it was easier for us who left behind to know the exactly direction during our 3 km walkaton..what a good idea..and after that, the organizer give us a demonstration for yoga that can be practice for the cancer & survival & also useful for others as to control our breathe might be useful to release our daily tension regarding to our daily busy activity...and also some food & drinks...
ok, jom cuci mata dgn gambar.....kredit to mel, me & muni
banner program |
event took!!pink baby....ada yg dtg by group, with family, with hubby (bakal hubby I sila suka activity ini ok as I think I start to love it) & little children (siap tolak dgn stroller lagi with cute!!!I like...) |
jln2 sempat ambil gambar mel & kak adiya lagi |
starting point with pink balloon & pink outfit |
after walkaton...berpeluh jugak lak....berjaya!!!menghabiskan 3 km dgn cerianya...peace!! |
b4 beraksi...mcm kanak2 sekolah nak PJ |
 |, mel& muni & kak diya with our 'props' during the event |
bila nak start jln2 ni |
sebab x start lagi...ambik gambar lagi...he..he.... |
mereka dgn belon2 mereka |
setelah tamat berjalan...sapa nak belon??? |
kami lagi |
us again |
kami di tempat perlepasan dgn belon masing2....
ok, after dah successful with 3 km...we're planning for other walkaton for 5km next november in program for leukemia's patient...and what will be interesting during this event, there will be 5 station and we need to solve something in every station..yes!!this is what we call exercise & happy together & shikin will join us also...ok, I start to love this kind of event & hopefully I can join other event like this...he...he...
before I end my post, yesterday one of my friend Ain ,lost her mother ( I was close with arwah..I called her 'umi)...It was really shook new...To ain & family...salam takziah and moga umi ditempatkan di kalangan org2 yg for umi & moga tenang di sana....
ok, see you guys soon!! |
wawi.. Best tu.. Hehe.. Keep posting sis =)
ok...bln nov ni ada 1 lg event mcm ni
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