Firstly, thanks to my juniors for lovely kain & tudung and don't forget about the card...sangat2 lah terharu...k, comment for every speeches (ha..ha...perlu ke?) apa yg akak ajar & tolong tu memang x de lah apa sangat...sikit2 je just sharing some of my knowledge & thanks cause taught me something that I don't know...see, x semua senior tahu semua benda tau... and sebab x sempat nak tolong korang sampai habis, minta maaf banyak2 ya...uh...uh.... sayang nak tinggalkan korang....
k, to ros : tu kena tanya 'abang' aizat awak sendiri ya....I tak tahu....ha..ha....apa2 pun pasal jodoh ni, doa2kan lah....sama ada dgn 'abang' favorite awak tu or some one else. amin....
k, here come the new challenge which was different from what I read and, jaundice thing that float in my head, can you guys please give a space for me to read for your new friends. sila bekerjasama ya...that's what we call team work. bg space sikit for another info. ops...its not sikit but equally, can you my tiny & nice brain....k, first challenge was to read about articles & journals & secondly was to search for a place to stay..and both challenge currently sedang dilakukan and hopefully will use to face mcm ala2 kembali ke zaman mula2 dtg kat USM pun ada...uh..uh...nasib lah...apa, I believe that everything that happen in my life, must be because of some reason..just need to face it strongly and minta pertolongan daripadaNYA agar dipermudahkan segala urusan...amin.... |
Suasana di uitm sg buloh....k, sekarang leh join syibli yg selalu kata 'uitm di hatiku'....ha..ha...hasnah cayok!!u can do it
k, see you soon ^-^ p/s: asal lah bila dah msk sini br lah berduyun panggilan keje di terima...msk bln ni je dah ada 4 nak kuar dr sini pun ada..uh..uh... |
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