K, entry yg ada bercerita about my brother zainuddin aka pak din....k, paling di kagumi adalah semangat dia nak belajar...if I was in his side, I don't think I really have a strength to do it... & thanks to his lectures for their guide to make by bro finally successful finish his degree...although I do not know bottom of my heart & my families...thank you sooooooooo much!!!!!
kehidupan...kekadang apa yg kite plan, x sepenuhnya akan terjadi hasilnya...kekadang, kite perlu membelok-belok lagi mengikut arah yang jauh, mengharungi a lot of test, a lot of tears and most of all always berdoa kepadaNYA untuk di permudahkan urusan my bro's situation, taking a pharmacy course for his degree & of course byk cabaran yg perlu dilalui...
so, after 6 years...he finally graduate!!!yes!!!yes!!amin...amin...bersyukur sangat & why 6 years...please don't ask...biarkan sejarah hitam itu berlalu & lets go to the new course everyone was so happy and x kecuali dengan his special one...ops...
k, overall majlis convocation UKM...k, kali ni aku menemani ibunda ke dlm dewan..the nak convo lagi...ha..ha....tunggu lg 4 thn ya...k, di sebab that was my third time followed the convocation ceremony (MSU,USM & UKM)...adalah sedikit perbezaan..k, dr segi kecepatan, I will say USM was the term of majlis berlangsung & dr segi kelancaran & marsyal yg bertugas...UKM, k...lagu2 selingan memang ever green & I like it...for university song...of course I will prefer my MSU song...why? lagu2 university, mostly was a full of patriotic, but MSU song was different, lebih kpd diri sendiri..pd pandangan sayalah..sila ke 4 shared & look for the song, Jasamu di kenang...Another about UKM, after penyampaian scroll, every graduate need to stand up, berpusing ikut kata MC utk memberi penghargaan pada parents &, berpusinglah ke kanan, ke kiri & belakang serta hadapan.... simbolik bukan & jarak antara 1 org dengan org yg lain for receiving the scroll is quite near, just jarak antara penerima dan org belakang yg menanti utk terima scrol tu agak jauh sikit......memang menjimatkan ms graduan berjalan to receive their scrol..tiba2 terasa nak msk semua majlis konvo...ha..ha...memang x de keje..
k, lah enjoy the pictures
The stage... |
the choir... |
perarakan msk graduan from FST (fakulti sains teknologi), k..memang graduan from FST both master & undergraduate |
perarakan msk fakulti farmasi...both master & undergraduate |
pak din...ce teka yg mana satu |
kalo bola hr tu lautan merah..kali ni lautan ungu pulak.... |
berbaris ambil scrol |
baris bg kad pintar & their name |
tu dia pak din... congrats bro!!ye!!finally did it.. |
Contoh barisan b4 terima scrol.. kiranya 4 org dah stand by atas pentas |
tunduk hormat students to parent |
Kami yg hadir di depan panggung seni...x ramai family yg leh datg...just 5 of us... |
k, this is future sister in law...insyallah... |
pak din |
ni suppose posing dgn jubah USM...tu lah gap 1 bulan...x dpt den nolong...kami yg graduate thn ini...kalo ada amat br lah lengkap, ktorg yg graduate thn ni...diploma (amat), degree (pk din) & master (me)...apa pun we did it!!! |
my lovely one...iman, auni & azzam..k, dah suruh auni lebih ckp Malay...jgn ikut abg & kakak dia ckp BI...ha..ha... |
Flowers from our mcm nak bwk blk kelntan je |
from biha....ala, x nampak bunga |
me & my lovely one |
along & family |
along & pak din |
family portrait, skema one |
family portrait...not so skema, rsnya kena ajar bpk dgn mak buat peace lah or any candid picture....mesti best..ha...ha....
k, nampaknya tu adalah penutup for majlis convocation from cikgu ma'amors convocation will be held in next 2 years in USM pulau Maznah convocation...insyallah...apa2 pun this year was a great year for everyone...
k, see you soon....^-^
p/s: mengidam topi lepar pulak...k, ms utk meningktkan motivasi for phd level...ya Allah, minta di permudahkan urusan...amin.... |
Congrates to your bro n lain dok busy musim cikgu ma'amor cbuk dgn majlis konvo anak2.....InsyaAllah lg 4 thn awk konvo skali dat time, I have to call u Dr Hasnah....wish u all the best....
baik...akan berusaha...but please don't call dr lah...kwn2 just call my name...
ps: awak jugak kna berusaha!
InsyaAllah future 'Dr'! =)
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