Wednesday, October 31, 2012



teman, rakan, friend, sahabat, pan you (mandrin sorry for spelling as it was been a long time I left my mandrin class), buddy atau apa2 gelaran ianya tetap sama...tipulah kalo dikatakan 'I can live without my friend'...sangat tipu... tak bosan ke nak ckp sorang2 atau org lain kata you talking to yourself mcm org gile..atau ada rakan imaginasi like some of small kids has...just...what the reality is it so hard to find your close friend, right? for me, ya, it's good to have a very...very....good friend tapi always remember that after your close friend already got married and having a child or children, the person will be sooo close with you (the opposite one) mean that the person maybe do not have time for you ...well in deep in your heart, jgn lah terasa sangat & always pray for their happiness...insyallah, perkenalan itu akan sampai ke jannah...amin... bukan setakat yg dah berkawin shj, tapi yg dulu satu kerja dgn kite & dah bertukar tempat pun, maybe cannot be as close as rajin2 kan tangan to call them or tegur dlm fb...well internet & all communication medium di hujung tangan kan?

k, menjengah ke umur 27, boleh di bilang dgn jari how many of my friends who do not get married (bdk sliss, ktt & msu)...seriously, it so hard to make an appointment with married or someone who will getting married..ha..ha...jgn terasa tau, tapi itu lah kenyataannya...k, sekali berkumpul tentu byk benda yg nak di katakan tak?di bincangkan atau buat perkara yg biasa kite buat2 dulu like playing game together or makeup class...ha...ha...

k, actually ms trn for pak den's convocation...I got small reunion with my KTT's housemate & efi (MSU's friend) nya!!!!it was been a long time...The last time I met eni was about 3 years ago..Efi was about 5 years ago & yam was about 8 years ago. for ima..I just met her 1 month ago....k, semuanya were build their own carrier, becoming doctors and businesswoman..efi & yam were doctors, eni act like a doctor & manager & ima was businesswoman...k hopefully we can gather again & having a lots of stories & ramai2 lg yg boleh join!!
Pengerusi majlis aka tuan rumah: ima....

Eni..I used to call her 'mama' during our KTT's time as she was the eldest person in our apartment

Efi..She's sarawakian girl

Yamun aka yam & ima 

Ima menjual byk brg such as minyak wangiyang comel+cute, deodorant yg superb small which I think the smallest one I ever saw, Examo & special for mom to be & new mom: Salindah's product & byk lagi...  

having their lunch

cik writer yg lambat sampai

mak ima...i used to call her makcik 'salindah' because she sold the product

Ima & eni

efi yg keletihan sebab menghafal for her spa's interview & me

Yamun & me...peace

melakukan aktiviti bersama mcm dulu...& ima act as the same, tukng tada muka je lah...

me & ima

us in ima's office

kami lagi

lagi...& penat nak senyum dah..ha..ha..

so, kalo ada gathering mcm ni & you having a time..rajin2 kan diri datang tau...kalo jumpa kat kenduri, payah nak duduk borak2 mcm ni...yelah mesti ada org nak dtg duduk & mkn kat tempat kite kan..apa2 pun, sy memang suka gathering mcm ni & I really that my plan for SLISS's reunion which will be held on 10.11.12 will be a successful event & hopefully to see some of faces that I never see for more than 10 years...

k, see you ^-^

p/s: sory...entry kali ni agak gegirl sikit & ima...jom buat gathering lagi, kasi jemput ramai org lagi & hopefully aku lh trn ms tu...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pak din konvo!!!


K, entry yg ada bercerita about my brother zainuddin aka pak din....k, paling di kagumi adalah semangat dia nak belajar...if I was in his side, I don't think I really have a strength to do it... & thanks to his lectures for their guide to make by bro finally successful finish his degree...although I do not know bottom of my heart & my families...thank you sooooooooo much!!!!!
kehidupan...kekadang apa yg kite plan, x sepenuhnya akan terjadi hasilnya...kekadang, kite perlu membelok-belok lagi mengikut arah yang jauh, mengharungi a lot of test, a lot of tears and most of all always berdoa kepadaNYA untuk di permudahkan urusan my bro's situation, taking a pharmacy course for his degree & of course byk cabaran yg perlu dilalui...

so, after 6 years...he finally graduate!!!yes!!!yes!!amin...amin...bersyukur sangat & why 6 years...please don't ask...biarkan sejarah hitam itu berlalu & lets go to the new course everyone was so happy and x kecuali dengan his special one...ops...

k, overall majlis convocation UKM...k, kali ni aku menemani ibunda ke dlm dewan..the nak convo lagi...ha..ha....tunggu lg 4 thn ya...k, di sebab that was my third time followed the convocation ceremony (MSU,USM & UKM)...adalah sedikit perbezaan..k, dr segi kecepatan, I will say USM was the term of majlis berlangsung & dr segi kelancaran & marsyal yg bertugas...UKM, k...lagu2 selingan memang ever green & I like it...for university song...of course I will prefer my MSU song...why? lagu2 university, mostly was a full of patriotic, but MSU song was different, lebih kpd diri sendiri..pd pandangan sayalah..sila ke 4 shared & look for the song, Jasamu di kenang...Another about UKM, after penyampaian scroll, every graduate need to stand up, berpusing ikut kata MC utk memberi penghargaan pada parents &, berpusinglah ke kanan, ke kiri & belakang serta hadapan.... simbolik bukan & jarak antara 1 org dengan org yg lain for receiving the scroll is quite near, just jarak antara penerima dan org belakang yg menanti utk terima scrol tu agak jauh sikit......memang menjimatkan ms graduan berjalan to receive their scrol..tiba2 terasa nak msk semua majlis konvo...ha..ha...memang x de keje..

k, lah enjoy the pictures
The stage...

the choir...

perarakan msk graduan from FST (fakulti sains teknologi), k..memang graduan from FST both master & undergraduate

perarakan msk fakulti farmasi...both master & undergraduate

pak din...ce teka yg mana satu

kalo bola hr tu lautan merah..kali ni lautan ungu pulak....

berbaris ambil scrol

baris bg kad pintar & their name

tu dia pak din... congrats bro!!ye!!finally did it.. 

Contoh barisan b4 terima scrol.. kiranya 4 org dah stand by atas pentas

tunduk hormat students to parent

Kami yg hadir di depan panggung seni...x ramai family yg leh datg...just 5 of us...

k, this is future sister in law...insyallah...

pak din

ni suppose posing dgn jubah USM...tu lah gap 1 bulan...x dpt den nolong...kami yg graduate thn ini...kalo ada amat br lah lengkap, ktorg yg graduate thn ni...diploma (amat), degree (pk din) & master (me)...apa pun we did it!!!

my lovely one...iman, auni & azzam..k, dah suruh auni lebih ckp Malay...jgn ikut abg & kakak dia ckp BI...ha..ha...

Flowers from our mcm nak bwk blk kelntan je

from biha....ala, x nampak bunga

me & my lovely one

along & family

along & pak din

family portrait, skema one 

family portrait...not so skema, rsnya kena ajar bpk dgn mak buat peace lah or any candid picture....mesti best..ha...ha....

k, nampaknya tu adalah penutup for majlis convocation from cikgu ma'amors convocation will be held in next 2 years in USM pulau Maznah convocation...insyallah...apa2 pun this year was a great year for everyone...

k, see you soon....^-^

p/s: mengidam topi lepar pulak...k, ms utk meningktkan motivasi for phd level...ya Allah, minta di permudahkan urusan...amin....  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

interview spa


k, entry di atas di tulis cause on 15/10/12, I had went to interview for science officer (bio mechanical) at wisma persekutuan, kota, please go to google map if you guys doesn't know where it is..

k, as like other candidates, mestilah kite aka search what are the possible question the interviewer will be ask us? right? tp malangnya, x banyak org mereview pasal soalan, thats why i'm writing this post

k, penat lah aku & ain menghafal nama2 menteri, about kkm (as this post was under kkm-ministry of health),   science officer duty, a lit bit about SPA & etc....sampai termimpi2 nama tok laki org...ha..ha...

pada hr kejadian, soalan yg kuar adalah
1. Mostly about isu semasa: about BR1M, current situation what our PM doing
2. Current PM adalah PM yg keberapa & how many PM we had until now
3. There was a picture print on Malaysia money, who was him
4. Resume: What you currently do. If you doing any lab work, they (during my time, there were only 2 persons will be act as your interviewer) will ask you what are the test in the, please be prepared
5. What is the name on machine as human we had our own 'surat beranak' right
6. Health safety in the lab: a few step and can you work alone in the lab
7. Dato' Najib...apa gelaran yg rasanya sesuai untuk our first PM was 'bapa kemerdekaan' right? so, what is the suitable gelaran for current PM
8. what you understanding about 'rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian di utamakan'
9. Step membasuh tangan
10. lupa pulak...mula2 msk as always they will ask you to introduce yourself
11.Why they should take you as science officer (part ni, pandai2 puji diri sendiri ya)...
12. you get your master, are you willing to be a science officer

dan soalan yg paling best adalah...................

if they send you to Sabah & Sarawak, are you willing to go (k, sila fikir msk sampai rentung2 ya...mostly to married person)

k, itu adalah beberapa soalan yg sempat ditanya kepada manusia2 yg lain & myself yg dtg interview semalam.

k, overall the interview was a good experience...honestly, nawaitu nak ke sana adalah to gain some experience about SPA, if I get it, it was a, pray to Allah...utk di permudahkan jalan yang seterusnya: is it continue to phd (i need to find a sponsorship) or working...

hm...biar dpt tawaran dulu...& I will about it later...

see you^-^..............   
p/s: actually ada lagi soalan yg ditanya pada diri sendiri...tapi tak pe lah simpan dlm hati shj...tu bukan soalan common pun. don't worry!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

KB burger bakar


k, nak review about topic di atas KB burger bakar...k, sekarang ni fenomena burger2 bakar, besar bertumbuh dengan pesatnya not only in Kuala Lumpur but also in Kota nya sudah merebak di sini...kalo x salah burger ni br je di bukak dlm bln 8 ke atas tahn 2012

k, burger ni..absolutely besar sikit from burger yg biasa di makan, with a lot of sauces (black paper, chili sauces), daging yg di grill & you can event ask for extra sauces...he...he...rsnya...nak ckp sedap giler...ha...ha...the taste is not really achieve at that kesedapanya terasa jugak lah...di suggest for you guys to order for beef cause beef is more tasty compare to chicken..kalo ada stars I need to give maybe 3.5 out of 5..well sapa2 dok kat kelate ni, meh pakat serbu deh..try sendiri...kalo x nak burger pun, korang leh order msk panas, ns ayam & etc cause many stalls were, don't worry ya..& nak tengok tv pun boleh

harganya...aku boleh kan agak berpatutan kot because I never had any experience eating the burger like, I cannot compare the price..he..he...service pulak...well you guys leh agakkan...kalo berkaitan dengan burger of course you guys need to wait & if it was a long.....long.... queue, please count you time double or triple & maybe you need to take the no like your going to the bank or any government office...peh, hebat bukan penagannya...tiba2 terbayang, kalo yg burger yg glamor kat area kl tu, for how long w need to mlm tu, cause it not weekend & no football match was held, so we need to wait for about 15 minutes before we can enjoy our burger... k, kedai ni berdekatan dgn area kwsp & open dr ptg which I don't know at what, better you guys just go there after maghrib prayer...pray first before you guys when out...ok?

the stall with nice abang yg membakar burger & treat us...'abang'?ha..ha... I think he was younger than me...he...he...

daging di bakar...yum..yum.....

ni jenis tower...of course kiteorg x ambik yg ni ( My housemate & I were sharing our burger) &...cause my stomach was full because I just take my dinner 2 hours with my lovely siblings before I went to that stall   

Menu....& variety of burger you can order....

k, kalo kelaparan, I think maybe me & you guys can finish it all by yourselves....& don't  afraid to try a new dish cause  since we lived in Malaysia, there still a lot food need to be explore

credit to for the pictures!!

k, see you soon ^-^

Thursday, October 11, 2012

thanks for everything


k, hidup penuh kucar kacir sekarang...suddenly, it's a lot of thing need to be think deeply & carefully, about life, carrier, project, phd & etc..Ya ALLAH please give me a lot of strength, patient, murahkan rezeki, kebijaksanan untuk berfikir dengan baik & hope I will make a clever+smart choice for me & another, Hasnah please keep move on & minta2 ada surat/email/phone untuk berita2 yang mengembirakan ini...mintak2 x de yg buruk lah....

k, berbalik pada tajuk...07/'s cikgu maamor's birthday...yang ke ke-61...wah!!my father was 61 years old lah..mana ada tua..sebab dia selalu ckp dia dah tua & x larat to go anyway....k, sila abaikan..because it most of the time, he always ok...

i still remember during my childhood, i do not talk to my long as I remember,just important word like during hari raya, if I need an extra money for program or etc (you guys know school event & sometime we need to buy extra exercise book) and when he need to sign my report card...ha..ha..and I still remember during my primary school which if I don't mistake during my standard 4, I got bad result in my's not really bad actually cause I didn't get any 'F' or 'E' just I get a lot of 'B', I didn't gave to my bapak, but I gave it to my mak to sign it for me...ha.ha...betapa takutnya saya to my lovely bapak...yelah, ms tu memang susah nak tengok bpk senyum, gelak2 dengan, sapa2 pun takut bukan? 

Tp segarang2 muka bapak saya, x pernah pun dia pukul kiteorg dgn rotan atau belt ke kalo buat salah/ nakal..just akan membebel, dah tahu mcm kenapa sy kekadang suka membebel jugak..well it's all about genetic kalo dia mengajar memang garang..buktinya, leh tanya pak den & along tahu lah...

tp sejak dah retiree for almost 6 years, memang dah boleh discuss byk benda dengan dia, tanya pendapat & apa patut nak buat...agaknya, dia pun bosan kot, x de org nak buat borak...everytime call rumah, akan ckp dengan dia jugak..x mcm dulu..bila teringat dulu2...kelakar pulak...and I hope kalo sy sudah berumah tangga nanti (which I do not know when), I really hope my child or children can really be close to their father dr kecil sampai besar...

k, susah nak pikat hati bapak saya ni...setakat ni, besides our own family, only my sister in law can do that...drp dia x suka, sampai jadi kesayangan...cause she know how to treat my father...perkara paling lawak pernah terjadi pada kiteorg adik beradik adalah, he really hope that one of us will be a teacher just like him...but mcm x nampak sesiapa pun will take his foot and because previously my sister in law was a, they had many things to talk about students and school..

walau apa pun...bapak, thanks for everything: concern, love, taking care of me, & believe in what I'm doing..k, love you always!!! so, di sebabkan jauh di timur, maka nak ucap hapi birthday...moga sihat selalu (joging selalu...)+senyum sokmo+panjangkan umur untuk melihat anak2nya berjaya dlm pelajaran+dunia+akhirat+menjadi wali kepada anak2 perempuannya(ha..ha...)...k, love you always!!
Kredit to maznah.....
Sambutan dr Kelantan tanpa empunya badan...maka, meh sini anaknya tolong makankan...he..he...

see you^-^   

Monday, October 1, 2012

bertiga lebih baik


k, bertiga lebih, x semua keadaan bertiga lebih baik such as ada org ketiga dlm perhubungan (either with your 'special' girl or boy friend or in husband & with relationship) tak?

tp bertiga lebih baik boleh dikataka mcm new lovely married couple who waiting for their first children, hanging out together or just like me...having another sister studying in USM, Kelantan & making that there were 3 cikgu maamor's daughter living currently in kubang kerian, kelantan...welcome ijah to our small campus & welcome to the world without commuter, cinema & any entertainment in kelantan (as she previously study in shah alam during her foundation level), can save a lot of money (as she will get sponsorship from JPA, insyallah) and once in a few months, leh gi KL or penang to spend your own money 

ok, kak ety dan mak di arahkan oleh menghantar ijah...and when my family were here, of course I need to take a break to take them, pusing2 ke taman tamadun islam, terengganu (masjid kristal nampak pudar & kurang terjaga compare my first visit back in 2009..melawat2 masjid 1 dunia & having my own passport..& learning something about few mosque around there as they provide a movie & theater for selected mosque  around that area & of course nice air conditioner as there was really hot day in that day....ha..ha...I also take some nap during the movie time...), pusing2 rantau panjang & pasar ct...

k, jom tengok gambar

masjid kristal yg keshinenya sudah pudar..just know that this mosque doesn't use for jumaat prayer

Pintu msk ke tmn monomen 

Because we arrived during break time, need to wait for them to open the main gate...waiting time..and if i'm not mistake, this place will close on tuesday 

Me around the place...mcm tmpt sendiri cause we're the first group enter at that time after 2.30pm

one mosque in turkey (i think...)


another monumen


pemandangan di sekitar

masjid lagi

ok, x ingat nama & tempatnya..mungkin kepanasan melanda...nak cepat2 jln


masjid pelik.......mcm mana diorg letak aircond ya atau x de aircond atau sejuk in the natural way

masjid lagi

masjid lagi

the only mosque yg boleh msk di dalam...yg lain2 just replika shj...masjidil aqsa...actually cannot take photo in this mak nak, sorang kena jaga pintu 

kincir air

dewan teater...sejuk sih dlm ni

lovely adik2

me & taj mahal...just knew that there were 2 taj mahal had been built during that time...another was black in color & located not far away from this famous taj mahal

Raksasa2 di masjid....ha..ha..


peneman ms di rantau panjang

ok..that's all or this time..lastly

dulu berdua....

tiba sorang lagi

Next time kena tangkap gambar bertiga pulak...jom ambik ala-ala studio and wearing white coat...x gitu?

see you guys soon......^-^