ye...sedang mempunyai mood meluap2 utk mengepos 2 days berturut....actually, nak buat nya utk 1 post shj...but di sebabkan x leh nak meletakkan gambar after writing some story after first photo's batch...need to separate it into 2 parts...
convocation part II....k, gambar konvo yg di ambil oleh 'professional' telah di ambil & the results (as the were 4 photos that already been ready)...really upset...takpe2...nasib baik berposing sakan...not only but also for my another friends..apa2 lah..yg penting master certificate is in my hand now...yes
k, rsnya nak kongsi tips for next or future graduate
1. For USM candidate: please bring a lot of pin and needle...walaupun dlm video tu just using 2 pin for your robs, believe me, you will need more than 2 pin...& for men, more needles will be need...x de lah asyik jatuh je robe tu (just like mine)...keberatan jubah? x de berat pun...tapi x nak melekat dekat bdn it the early signal I need to be focus in my PHD study and wearing their robe? (master robe was same as undergraduate robe in USM..however, for PHD, the robe and mortar were different & it look nice)
p/s: bawak banyak2 pun x pe, bila lagi nak berbakti pd rakan2 anda...x gitu?kalo rs nak buat jualan pada hr tu...pasti laku punya..ha..ha....
2. help: you guys will really need someone to help you to wearing the nice robe..tolong2 pin sini, sana, jarum sini, jarum sana...ha...ha..
3. accommodation: k, sila book accommodation as early as you can mainly when you're name will be list in the big ceremony mostly will be held in september..hotel fully book and of course guest house USM fully book...
4. gambar yg cantik: k, sila2 jalan sekitar kwsn U anda...kalo nak rakamkan your potret picture please survey the store or maybe around the hall....satu lagi..kalo aa DSLR lagi bagus ya utk gambar 'terbang' nanti
k, lah itu sikit tips bg yg lain yak, jom tengok gambar....
bunga2 yg di ni, ala2 ucap good bye pd bunga2 cause susah nak bwk balik ke kelantan..just bunga which i'm holding& bear2 yg di bawa pulang |
korang tinggal ye...aku bwk yg ni je...muka batak dpt |
with big tree |
percubaan mengambil bunga terbang...misi I: x berjaya |
misi ke II, x berjaya lagi...ish..ish... |
last2...kena tuan punya camera ambik jugak...jadinya subjek org lain lah.... |
kenangan terakhir bersama bunga |
ok, ni bukan adik saya ya... |
sepan muzium di USM |
gambar lagi |
kak ety with mak & bpk |
k, thanks to tasya, pak din, biha & lovely timah for the flowers & bears...please do not ask me either my lovely one give me something like flowers etc during my convocation...x de maknanya...k, thanks pada semua yg attend to my master you guys & hopefully I can manage to be graduate my PHD level with my lovely sister,, leh bergaya bersama2...x gitu...k, kuatkan semangat utk menempuhi cabaran for phd pulak...doakan ya...k, before the end...di attach the most lovely + nice picture pada pandangan mata sendiri...
pak din, me & biha.....
see you guys later..... |
1 comment:
Thanx for the convo tips....will make sure my sist convocation have all the listed problem...especially accomodation...all the best again...see ur next post when u wearing 'mortar'....hehe...
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