salam ramadhan....penat fizikal+mental menghadapi puasa ( a small child). paling ketara, ptg je x leh nak fokus utk membaca artikel (kekurangan glukos melanda bak kata one of my lab mate).jadinya, haruslah membaca blog lain+menaip blog...
mujur jugak kumon pun just dtg time weekend shj..but that for this week..tengok dulu for next week (i'm doing an observation for 1 week. if both ala & yin cannot finish marking and teaching..better I should give a hand and help them. although I just came to kumon for an hour..right..apa yg penting 'kerjasama...'
k, bulan puasa ni, ain sangggggggggt rajin memasak+sedaappppppp+menu heaveeeeeen..dan sy, just menolong+msk syr+nasi+tambah lauk dgn membeli di bazar..napa beli di bazar? sebab sy malas nak msk( pandai mkn je..), penat+ menambah pahala membantu saudara seislam yg lain dgn cara membeli mkn yg di jual di bazar ramadhan...ha...ha...
k, last entry for tasik, its been a month since our family day...please enjoy the pictures
our science officer family and 2 of his older daughter had been choose as a jury to decide who win the best performance of that night, which it belong to ayon with his performance 'kau teristimewa by indigo' (if i don't mistake) |
My lil brother: iyrham..ha..ha...I think I had post one entry that mention about my 'abi':, rani's son is my brother..he..he...superb cute!! |
the beauty of kenyir...x dpt di nafikan lagi... |
pemandangan di tasik kenyir sampai terpekun 2 org tu.. |
kakak...nak gula2 leh tak? |
boat riding.. |
ye...ready to go!! |
penumpang di cruise bot.. |
di pintas oleh sped boat 1 yg superb laju!! |
the girls.. |
lobby tasik kenyir drp swimming pool
k, stop pasal kenyir...just wait for next year family (with another MC and another committee....I hope so...).k, selamat berpuasa& salam terawih.. p/s: x saba nak blk raya...kuih (dah order), serunding (dah order), tiket (dah beli), baju raya(dah beli+tempah), tudung(paw dulu2), duit raya( adik2 saja)..duit nak byr brg2 tengah tempah...uh!!!uh!!x gaji lagi..kurang dah simpanan bulan ni...sabar je lah...
bye2bye2^-^ |
raya nanti buat open haus hokey!
last year dah buat..tahun ni, x tahu maybe x kot sebab kak ipar aku bersalin..x best x kumpul sesama.
p/s:kalo buat pun buat house warming kakak aku kat ipoh x tahu bila..ko buat tak open house?
Hoho.....time puasa mesti prefer beli makanan kat bazar ramadhan.....hehe....macam2 ada.....apa2 pon selamat menjalani ibadat puasa..... nanti post gmbr family cikgu maa'mor yer....gmbr dekat tali air di sungai besar......
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