wah...after almost 7 months, I'm back again to my lovely last, berjaya menempuhi bulan2 family day (both genome & Kumon), gotong royong (as genome will facing 5s audit, it is audit or competition? seriously, I don't know about it and Kumon: our english section had turn into more kindergarten & both teacher and student still trying hard to suit ourselves into new class arrangement) & successfully handling 4 elective student...
k, HGC (Human genome centre) family day had been successfully held at Tasik Kenyir, terengganu on 22-23 June 2012..seriously, to be one of high committee during that event was really TIRED!!both physical & also mental. I still remember a day before we went there, after Kumon class, after solat & taking a bath I told muni, I need a long nap before I am taking my real sleep. ha..ha.. mesti pelik kan, ini berlaku disebabkan kepenatan bekerja, which I need to terlelap first and most of the time it take about 5-10 minutes.
k, overall tasik kenyir was so awesome!!! after taking a break for a year (as I do not join last year family due to some family business, can refer to my previous entry ^-^), it's really good mode to having it back although I having some committee's work to be performed..oh ya, I was not only act as the committee, but i am also one of the master of ceremony (MC) for the HGC annual dinner dan berpasangan with my lab mate: nik..k, mr enjoy the pictures
k, drp parking..kena naik bungee ni..ops...some of my friends call it limosin...nice bwk pun memang hebat bak kata diorg org lesen F1 je leh bwk kete ni |
Sekitar chalet di tasik kenyir...quite nice right..di sebabkan kami dtg bergroup, so kami di letakkan di perkampungan kenyir |
panorama di tasik kenyir |
after almost 3 hours journey, we are at tasik kenyir.. |
bilik masing2...for double & triple sharing |
play time for children |
master of ceremony (MC)...thanks nik or all your help & nice+happy working with you..hope semua org enjoy dgn kite as MC..x de lah mcm ckp kite berdua...thanks to alia also sebab tolong ms part penyampaian hadiah |
International student clothes..lupa pulak nak cite. mlm tu theme utk dinner adalah back to school...ha..ha..after 10 years br sarung balik...wah...cannot wait for this november...reunion time!! |
boys performance, yg menggelar diri mereka GG (genome generation)...nasib baik x hujan...he..he...jgn mare ya...k, ni first time sepanjang berada di genom for family day ada meriah bukan?? |
girls performance: flash mob for wakaka by shakira song...thump up to you guys...we did it!! |
Lecture's performance. walaupun x de latihan tp memang sporting habis lah...bukan senang nak tengok diorg mcm tu |
.jpg) |
Most perfect picture to describe each person role..thanks Chua for the editing picture |
ok itu utk first part...banyak lagi gambar....hopefully leh upload secepat mungkin...k, see you!!^^-^ |