we meet again..k, as promise..these are some picture captured from our son's bos..johan. gambar di atas: melalui halangan utk melihat bunga reflesia..
bot2 yg mengiringi pengembaraan...k, there were 4 boats during our extreme journey. 2 boats for Kumon & another boats for other Chinese visitors |
view around waterfall area...nice right? |
Our bos: pn raiha with the only reffelesia flower that bloom in that time..luckly, we manage to see it and not need to travel all away to sabah to see it again.. |
Kumon's team ready for the extreme adventure! |
around orang asli village |
mkn time.... |
Kumon team again!! |
me & muni sang a duet song 'dengarkanlah ' from glenn and amy mastura |
me, kak da & rini..di masa kesesatan mencari resort yg sbenar |
seise pemilihan lagu |
Sir yin..the only male teacher in kumon kubang kerian |
reffelesia flowers...org yg guide kami said that this flower take about few years before mengembang..and only live for 5-7 days, quite short kan...hm..hm...walaupun a few university try to membiakkan dia di luar habitat asal..memang x menjadi, so, just let them in their origin place |
perjalanan penuh cabaran ke tempat air terjun |
boat kami!! |
us...after saw the 'big' flowers |
gambar ni paling sy suka...it's us in air terjun...sejuk sih sampai mengigil bdk kecik sebelah saya tu...he...he...
k, sudah tamat journey & cite di perak...next, stories from tasik kenyir pulak...
k, see you!!!^-^
This part like an introduction about rafflesia......tahu pasal habitatnya, masa diambil utknya seblum mengembang dan jangka hayatnya.......hehehe....btw good info for me about it.....excited to read ur next post in kenyir.....
(P/s: nampak udah tidak sabar mahu ketemuan cikgu ma'amor & pn habibah di Big river......enjoy ur next family days)
ia...cepek dong kerjaan memanjang..badan pun udah enggak berfungsi gaya normalnya..aku mahu liburan.......
hehehe....permissi dong...gue enggak fasih berbahasa.... insyaAllah nanti bila pulang ke SB, rest la secukup2nya...... =)
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