Assalamuaaikum...bertemu kembali..kejap je bln 5 and it in just a month, it will become the middle of the 2012..k, dah besar2 ni, aku mengharapkan masa tu berakhir dgn ms sekolah dulu, x sabar nak besar...well, ms ni perlu kita katakan as mensyukuri apa yg di kurniakan oleh allah & allah telah mengkurniakan 24 hours for us to arrange our time, so it depend to us how we want to arrange it...k, awal bln 5 lepas:3-5 may mesti korang pernah dengar about 'Walkaton diraja' kan...
So, persatuan kami yg baru bertapak 'MSHG' telah membuka booth di stadium KB to introduce to public about our society, and mostly about genetic which this area is quite unfamiliar to he public..k, persiapan b4 membuka je lah mcm mana..k, lets the pictures below show the experience regarding to the event
k, tarikan utama in our booth. presenting replica 'Perak Man'..semua org nak ambil gambar dengan dia...sekali kalo tengok lama2 mcm seram jugak...hasil usaha gigih ahli2 MSHG utk mengangkut from PPSG to the event's place..Thump up guys!! |
Our vice president: Dr Sarina aka kak Ina handling the pengunjung on the last day of event.. |
Our president: Prof Zilfalil giving the information regarding to the genetic & royal Kelantan project.. |
Kenal sapa? en sembilu kasih kite dtg for drift kete..sempat geng2 MSHG culik utk ambil gambar |
En cameraman for the event.. |
Adik2 yg excited melihat imej dlm microscope..agak2 nya apa lah first impression bila budak2 ni tengok imej dlm microscope |
Committee for second day handling the booth |
Kami2 di event..k, yg depan tu bj color merah sudah di book...another 4 masih available...he..he.... |
VVIP in the event: Sultan Kelantan |
Sebahagian committee MSHG yg hadir...ha..ha...muka aku & arfah terlindung di situ... |
Syibli with currently most popular ustaz in Malaysia: Ustaz Azhar... |
Syib & Prof Falil |
Melayan pengunjung yg hadir |
Kami...peace!! |
Testing...testing.... |
Kak Sha with banner persatuan...lepas ni, kalo join mana2 event kena bwk banting ni.. |
Persiapan di booth |
Pengakhiran utk our first club event: makan2 di belanja oleh Prof falil...tq!
K, sapa2 yg nak join kelab ni...di alu2 kan. And sebarang pertanyaan, leh tanya pada president dan lagi senang pada saya...ha..ha....promote persatuan nampak? k, leh lah kite bertukar2 pendapat mengenai isu2 berkaitan dengan genetik..
k, until w meet again....^-^ |
1 comment:
Wasalamuailaikum w.b.t,
First of all, tahniah kerana dapat menjayakan pembukaan booth 'MSHG'....MSHG short form utk pe???? Tetapi, mcm grand je event nie.....siap ade jemput sultan & artis2 lg.. =)
Like others, I'm prefer to take a pict with the 'Perak Man'....he look like Faizal Tahir.....hehehe
Congrates once again....take care!
P/s: InsyaAllah, semoga kita tergolong dalam golongan yang menggunakan masa dengan baik
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