movie review kali ini...firstly, tq muni caused temankan I tengok cite ni....haha...mengimbau zaman kanak2 dulu
ok, power rangers movie kali ini, well it is same as what we saw and watched before..just ditukar sikit, the 5 persons tu masing2 got their own problems. the watak's name is still the same: jason (red ranger), kimberly (pink ranger), billy (blue ranger), zack (black ranger) and trini aka didi (yellow ranger). Cite was started with Zordan area, when he and his friends hold the ranger's stone and they all di tewaskan oleh Rita. untuk mengekalkan batu supaya tidak jatuh di tangan Rita yg jahat tu, Zordon mengorbankan dirinya plus metroid langgar bumi as well as menyebabkan kepupusan dinasour and batu2 itu tersembunyi, well Rita tercampak jauh ke dlm laut. millions years later, the 5 teenagers came. Jason ni curi lembu and caused kete rosak during the night he stole the cow. Kimberly pulak tumbuh her ex boyfriend face and gigi dia jatuh while Billy caused his lunch box exploded. this 3 guys need to go for weekend detention class and this is where they met each other.
when Billy said to Jason, he can helped Jason terlepas drp pengesan kaki (Jason case was classified as juvana case and he need to be at home by 7 am or else police will come and caught him wherever he was) and can let Jason to drive his mother's van..Jason agreed to do it. Billy asked Jason to take him to the mint where he believed there was something precious thing at that place. Jason willing to help Billy but just for a while. Then, he went around the mint and saw kimberly dive from high place. then, they saw zack as well as trini. Billy caused huge exploded in the mint and all of them gathered around Billy and saw the 5 different color of stone. they took it and quickly run from the place as they heard police siren. when they try to run away, Billy lost control of the car and the next morning they wake up, they already at home and gain a new power
They went back to the mint area and went to the weird place where they met alpha 5 as well as Zordon. However, it took them long time before they can morphine to power rangers. and at the same place, Rita had wake up and try to find a Crystal to conquered the earth
can they morphine at last? is Rita find the Crystal? why they cannot morphine? is Zordon back to live at last? can power rangers defeat Rita and angle groove become peace again...that's u need to watch. this movie was classified P13..means children less than 13 years old need guardians who aged at or more than 18 years old to accompany them. well it was nice to feel back your old time and for me during I was 8 or 9 years old. never miss the showed during pass time
for this movie I gave 3/5 starts. I heard that it will be 5-6 squeal of power rangers after this. cannot wait to watch it...and maybe the green ranger will come at the second squeal
the this movie, the costumes are nice and i like it...well done guys for the movie
ok, next review for our second movie...Muni and I watched 2 movie during our last outing...hehe...tq for reading and take care ^-^ |