I memang sgt2 jarang tengok movie Malay di wayang..bukan apa, it was to hard utk mencari which Malay movie will worth utk anda tonton plus I am a huge fan of action, most of Malay movies is not action movie, that's why, I x tengok kat wayang. but because of high review and recommend by many of my friend, menggerakkan hati utk melihat filem family di wayang...mungkin review saya will help u to choose them kalo rasa2 nk purchase kat astro first kan? ok, ada 2 movie akan direview...kita review yg pertama dulu
1. Berbisik pada langit
tengok di sunway pyramid with muni. Pelakon2 cite ni rsnya x perlu diperkenalkan. memang mantap2 semua..cite dimulakan dgn kelahiran anak ke-2 the only daughter of the family. memang di jaga sangat baik sampai mendatangkan dengki pada si adik. the daughter got offer to further her study in Australia. After few years, it was a time she need to go back to Malaysia. but b4 she went back, she wanted to rode with her motorbike around Australia with her 'best friend'. during the rode, the tire suddenly burst and made the daughter fallen down from her motor. at the same time in Malaysia, the father fell uneasy feeling and had nightmare dream. what happened to the daughter? is she alive and able to get back to Malaysia? what happened to the family? tu korang kena tengok sendiri...memang berbaloi..jgn lupa tengok kt astro first tau...tengah main kt situ
My review:
I love the scene of this movie. khabir bahtia, director yg kalo korang tengok cite yg dia arah..mesti tahu, this film/movie belong to him. cite ni memanf about family. how u face the problem together and how u can trust the stranger. and most of all, patient or S.A.B.A.R and always pray. I cried at the end of movie ms the daughter buat movie for her family about her daily life and how much she missed her family..huhu
2. Tombiruo-penunggu hutan
an action movie and gambar memang cantik...action move yg menarik and di adaptasi drp novelis ramlee awang murshid. cite ni bermula drp kelahiran tombiruo. mak tambiruo diperkosa hingga melahirkan anak luar nk melahirkan tu, ada sorang bidan merangkap dukun yg sambut..di luar rumah dukun di kala kilat sambung menyambung, huband ni berlawan dgn perogol tu caused he wanted to kill his wife. but the end the husband die and also the wife. bomoh tu berjaya selamatkan tambiruo and kill the perogol. tambiruo dihanyutkan ke sungai dan ditemui oleh sorang lelaki. lelaki ni yg membela and menjadi ayah pada tambiruo. beberapa tahun kemudian, tambiruo dh besar and enjadi penjaga hutan. pada satu hari, ada sorang usahawan terkemuka nk buat sedikit pembangunan di kawasan hutan and masa tengah upacara perasmian projek baru tu, ada satu kumpulan membuat kacau di kawasan lain and menghalau penduduk di kawasan hutan tu drp tinggal di situ. and ms tu, tambiruo and ayahnya pergi membantu penduduk2 di situ. ms tengah bergaduh2 tu, ayah angkat tambiruo mati and tambiruo mula mengejar pembunuh ayahnya. usahawan tu serta anak perempuannya, pergi melawat kawasan yg kena ganggu tu, mereka terlibat dgn kemalangan dgn pembunuh ayah tambiruo and msk ke gaung. dua2 mati and ms menantu usahawan tu dtg menghampiri wife dia, dia nampak tambiruo kt situ and halau tambiruo...x lama lepas tu, wife dia mati and si suami menyimpan dendam pada tambiruo. so, apa yg berlaku lepas tu? tu korang kena tengok sendiri..I bg spoiler sikit je
My review:
Pd pembaca rangkaian novel ni mungkin akan merasa kecewa sikit caused byk babak2 yg x de...babak2 gaduh yg x dipotong tp korang perlu faham caused movie is for 2 hours and it was so impossible to put all together. and that's why kenapa I kureng melayan novel yg di moviekan...I lagi suka kalo buat drama caused x terlalu rushing nk ke habis. tp part gaduh dia memang best...and adakah berbaloi nk tengok kat astro first berbaloi lagi2 kalo korang memang berasal drp sabah caused about 1/3 movie ni shoot di sabah and sikit2 watak kat sini berdialek kadazan..overall it was ok and for me x effect pun watak tambiruo tu x berbaju pun...bukan nampak muka pun caused I more focus to the action not personal figure..haha
picture time: credit to Mr google
poster berbisik pada langit |
poster tombiruo
ok, 2 movies for October and all the Malay movie...tq for readiang and take care ^-^ |