Thursday, March 31, 2016

maznah second time convocation day


nampaknya, pengeluaran blog yg agak merosot buat bln ini...haha....juggling with 10 undergraduate student, case study, assignment and play2 and can see with the decrease of blog entry...

baiklah...this time post is dedicated to beloved sister: maznah maamor aka MM...her second convocation in MAS academic kelana jaya....ok, dlm pemikiran korang, adakah adik I ni jadi peramugari? haha...the answer obviously no cause the first syarat pun is the big no....ketinggian...unless di support with the heals 4 inchi maybe....muahhhhh....

she joined the program under MHB and it was same as skim latihan 1 Malaysia but this want was under KLIA 1...the programme took about 2 months for the theory and other 10 months for the practical at klia airport and they were assigned to the different department based on their exam result...and sepanjang program, what I can see the big change of MM was her personality caused her work need her to wear makeup....and luckily, her face x de cacat cela mcm I...bersih je...jelous tau I...hahha and she need to wore the high heal...

makanya, x kan lah I nk gi sorang2 bukan? activity begini harus dikongsi bersam dgn kawan2...haha...adik beradik lain pun cannot go so makanya adalah a few candidates yg di plan nk bwk either muni, kak diya, dayang atau kak di.....setelah difikirkan the pro and cons masing2...makanya I decided to bring kak di...why? caused kak di was a home tuition teacher caused kalo yg lain2 tu need to apply for a leave if they want to accompany me...haha...x elok susahkan kwn2 ya....melainkan no choice....

ok, there were our first time went to MAS academic....makanya dgn gigih we met up at kl sentral...ate lunch, took lrt to kelana jaya and taxi to MAS academic....and we managed to reach there b4 3....ok, convocation MM kali ni was more to the performance...lama tul x join aktiviti mcm2 ni...start with the sing, dance, music and others...and MM did the sumazau dance with her friends....thump up kalo zapin memang lagi mantap lah....haha...and we end it up with the light meal....makan lagi... time and credit to MM

me & kak di...tq kak di caused sudi berjimba dgn saya...hahah...jgn serik tau

the love shape with the love from sibling..hahah

hapi convocation sis

with the MAS airbus

and b4 I end...just love to say....apa yg kita dpt or what ever your degree scroll your hold it or bidang yg korang belanja may be different from your study....just grab the opportunity first..maybe from that u will something or discover more what u capable to do...mungkin ada hikmahnya, napa Allah aturkan jalan ini utk anda, just redha and berusaha...sambil2 tu carilah peluang yg lain yg maybe berkaitan dgn apa yg korang belajar....bak kata ramai org, soal jodoh, rezeki, ajal dan maut bukan kita yg merancang tapi kita boleh berusaha utk ke arah yg lebih baik...x gitu? so, adik2 yg baru nk mulakan kerjaya tu, just explore caused u still young....x for me dulu pun, I took about 6 months working in different field I, stay chill ok! ^-^

and lastly

maz after performance and convocation
on her first day

haha....that's all, take care ^-^ and tq for reading 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

10 cara utk kurus

sapa x nk kurus....haha, haruslah majority akan angkat tangan sambil mengangguk2 kepala...yalah senang nk cari baju bukan? tp for me, selain drp kurus....utk cari baju, i  want it for keep me healthy....
ok,kat sini  nk share 10 tips for  kuruskan with the right  way...tq to  muni for your sharing:

kalo umah flat tu, hati2 melompat....nanti  marah org  bawah...hehe

erti kata lain...say yes to plain  water


br tahu  fakta ni, patutlah kalo join aerobic cardio memang berterusan

this is also new knowledge for me

naik tangga byk2 ok

also new thing


haha..paling susah nk buat....bangun pagi regangkan bdn je
pasni naik basikal....yeah

ok, that's 10 things for kurus...jomm ikut....sihat utk org lain  and  anda

tq for reading & take care ^-^

Monday, March 7, 2016

ke ipoh lagi...apa yg menarik




ok, aktiviti dah dilakukan since 2 weeks ago...during my visited to my sister's house....official my lovers, mr s...x leh digunakan and currently i on date with other lovers...haha...seminggu without whats'up..haruslah  berduyun  pesanan msk bak air hujan turun time heavy rain..haha



ok, keberangkatan ke ipoh were accompanied by muni and maznah...nasib x beli tiket train kalo tak memang bye2 maznah...kali ni merayau2 kat area mural bergambar...yg mcm ala2 penang tu and it's area plan b.....but during was totally different compare to my last visit....the weather and, sila lah pergi a day before chop go mei and after giler pusing....siap leh pose tengah jalan ada 2 gamba yg kitaorg x dpt it already erase or kitaorg x de rezeki?



so, lps tu berjaln2 area satu shopping kompleks dpn padang mbi and during that time there was an exhibition about the huge bag produced by Malaysian.....besar and boleh masuk dlm tu.....kagum lah, how do they managed to do that...thump up guys


and lastly, before blk kl, we wen to pasar Ipoh memory lane....ok, apa yg byk jual kt sini? jual duit lama....byk gile gerai jual duit lama I should start collected the old I?


ok, picture time: kredit to muni and maznah
picture in the middle of the road....haha...this situation is so rare here
kirimkn surat buatnya

tea break......I kind da love the coffee here...x kuat rasa coffee and ice cream green tea dia memang win

the mural about gali timah

catching the flying paper.....pandang blkg br perasaan...mcm mana lah diorg lukis 

this  is cny

dik....turun skrg

with the pakcik...

me & my zodiak

tepi milk memng ambik gambar tengah jln

the 3 sisters.....mcm biasa, yg last kena tinggal

waktu legang

beg & kain exhibition

my sis and I with kain's potrat

the big thing....x tahu nk panggil bear/tenuk/etc

the fashion

pintu gerbang pasar karat.......parking free memang payah...jaadinya, parking berbayarah...just rm3/entry

the duits

the old time thing

ok, that's it about short trip to Ipoh which was least than 24 hours...hah...tq to muni caused drove me there and maznah also although we had to listen to her song......haha

jom bercuti lagi and hope kak diya leh join......

and lastly, the win picture during trip,

us inside the giant bag

tq for reading and take care^-^


Thursday, March 3, 2016

effy's wed part 4: it's a day

sorry, for the late ni br leh curi  ms sikit...ok, let's move to our last entry in Sarawak: it's a reception day....
ok,same like akad nikah, effy bersiap  dgn 6!!and  for us 9.30am dah gi ke  dewan which is a new thing I know about Sarawak's wed....hmmm....overall, effy's wedding dress is superb....cantik sgt like princess...haha
jom tengok gamba

ketibaan pengantin around 12 pm...cantik  bukan?
met my undergraduate's friend...mdm ami...she's worked at unimas....currently we further our  study in same institution:  msu and usm...haha 

suasana di dewan


pengantin di atas pelamin

outdoor picture

mcm artis wed


the 4 of  us...2 already married

best candid picture from official photographer

me & effy

the gang

12 of us

newly wed...cantikkan effy punya dress

bridesmaid and pengantin

order  air


me & dr shasha

and lastly

to effy and  hubby,  selammat pengantin baru. enjoy your  new tittle and  lived happily until jannah....have lots of happiness together and have a lot of cute babies together....effy, u look gorgeous on your  day and also terserah  wajah  gembira dimuka u  guys....ok, jangan gaduh2 tau....hehe
that's the end of my kuching's journey and love to be back to Sarawak next time 
ok, tq for reading...take  care ^-^