giler lama x updated..more than 1 month....ok, being a student and ra was quite different..tengok sahajalah by the end of this year, mesti kadar publish was less compare to last year...and for today thanks to NCBI cause lambat mengupload, it's give me chance to update my blog...where should I, recap for ifftar for this year
for ifftar this year...sorry, gambar x byk di ambil cause sibuk mkn...haha...ok, this is the list of my ifftar with lovely friend, buddies and labmate & x lupa lovely family
1. ifftar with buddies at Fishmanhattan, Midvalley
Alhamdulilah, Berjaya lari drp kebiasaan ifftar with buddies. past 2 years, kitaorg ifftar kt chicken rice, kali ni we want some, there we, apa yg I order...of course lah kena ada nasi (I'm Malaysian so need at least once a day with I couldn't imaging my self if I will study in the country where rice is not the main meal..haha)...I dah lupa apa I order...haha...and this ifftar juga was to celebrate bulan terakhir ikin as bujang...ikin nk kawin!!!finally after few years someone from PT1201 getting, tinggal me, muni, kak diya and kak lin masih mencari our prince charming (haha....drama sgt), ikin bercerita about her preparation and how she act weird during their's quite weird after heard ikin's story but maybe what ikin's feel and act mungkin kah akan berlaku pada's hard to say but we will see....and really hope that ikin can join our annual ifftar for next year and of course you can bring your hubby too ikin...x sempat nk kenal2 b4 your wed...oh ya, kalo ifftar with buddies ni biasanya kitaorg akan buka puasa mkn ringan2 & solat b4 gi melantak dgn baik...motif? so, we can spend byk masa and x rushing nk solat
2. ifftar with labmate uitm
staff and students and the lokasi di immb, uitm. this year di ulakan dgn tazkirah drp ustaz yg di jemput...sgt menarik dan padat dgn info2 yg best....sempat jugak lah I luangkan ms dgn kekkawan kt uitm ni...ya lah, u kita ada benda gak nk kena buat kt uitm ni....sorry korang x sempat nk tolong2 mengemas...pening kepala pulak hr tu....uh..uh
3. ifftar with lab mate
lab mate kt, ju (chair, maira & adam), umi (mr brown & alya), syud (en tiger & ali), talha (kinah, fawaz and ala..lupa anak talha 1 lg...sorry) and mira...haha..only me and mira dtg without, mlm tu partner I mira utk ifftar..haha...lokasi adalah satu kedai steamboat kat TSB, sg buloh...suka suki...mkn2 until 9.30 berbaloi2...haha...just nk remind semua org cause kitaorg kena hr time kalo book utk restaurant mana2 pun kena mention how many kids yg akan lah pihak restaurant will give u nice seat..mcm kitaorg bersempit sikit..and cause most of us were student, so we got 10% off pada harga kat resit and moral of story please always bring your id kat kemana2...x lupa jugak pd penjawat awam..lg2 kalo nk cek in mana2 hotel ms bercuti..oh ya, kat sini ada surau but kecik sikit and ambil wuduk pun dlm, sy galakkan lg best kalo korang gi singgah mana2 surau b4 gi mkn ifftar kt sini..hehe
4. ifftar with kak di
kali ni with kak di only cause kak faiz sibuk sabtu-kat ttdi, shah alam and hr ahad kat food court, Nu sentral..hajat di hati nk mkn kat dubu dubu nu dah fully book but manage to eat Korean food kt food court..yes!!hr sabtu tu mkn kat satu restaurant arab kt ttdi shah alam tp kurang puas hati dgn harga air the arab dlm jug kt situ...lain kali mention awal2 ya harganya...and letak dlm senarai tu...nasib habiskan air 1 jug tu...kalo tak memang membazir lah..huhu..moral of story..always ask for price first b4 you order
5. ifftar with lovely families
rsnya thn ni paling byk lah buka puasa kat umah...x de lah byk but more than 1 time...dlm 3 kali..awal, tengah and hujung...and jugak buka puasa with lovely sister in law...main masak2 sesame..
ok, I think that's the recap for buka puasa aka ifftar for this year
jom tengok mention earlier hanya gambar with buddies je yg ada..
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ikin & kak diya...yg tlg book place cause me & muni kuar opis lambat |
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kak diya dah mengambil tempat |
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muka nk makan!! |
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our food.... |
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selfie tp ikin sibuk makan |
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antara makanan di order |
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yeah...selfie ber-4 akhirnya |
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cake utk ikin..ala2 for party bujang dia..haha |
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kad jemputan ikin yg unik I think that's for next year ada lagi ifftar yg best ni ...... take care ^-^ |