peristiwa cameron....kalo ingat blk what happen at 2012...memang lawak...although it was near 2 years ago, but always had a good memories about that tragedy...
at last 2014...plan and plan yg keep x menjadi...and last2 sekali on the school holiday 2014...I went back to cameron after 11 years...last went there during matrix back 2003...ada tragedy gak kat situ...
utk rombongan cik ety first version ni...the attendance were: cik ety, me, along, kak lin, and of course our anak buah: azam, iman and auni...rombongan stay at cik ety house kat simpang it took about an hour from simpang pulai-cameron..jln dia, well ularnya x seteruk tapah and luas sikit..sepanjang perjalanan auni sibuk nk nyanyi..layan kan je...dgn bwk anna & olaf (cik ety bg present birthday dia & iman) tu, the weather was good...rombongan cik ety sempat gi ke lavender garden, stop at one place where ada rama2, serangga, ular, turkey, flowers, cactus etc. then we moved to kea farm aka market (during that time was sunday market, quiet heavy traffic from both side)-met maznah over there (she got workshop at cameron during that time),s-stop dekat dgn kea farm tu, ada signboard strawberry yg besar, tanah rata, mardi (short visit cause need to take maznah back to her friends & dah mula hujan during that time), tea farm (hjg sekali...menghala ke ipoh di mana USM bus dah standby over there), 2 store on d way back to ipoh...satu kedai tu took about almost an hour cause kak ety and kak lin beli bunga and I ate ice cream with anak buah...(x de umah ma...mahu menghias2 segala...umah sewa x de balkoni nk gantung tumbuhan2) & bought strawberries..blk budak2 tido & bangun semua dah kelaparan...adults also...hahah....
rombongan cik ety version second: attendance cik ety, me & our beloved began, plan nk meneroka gua my mom dah kempuanan mahu naik and it was not easy for her to made my dad say yes to, we went there again..selang x sampai 2 my mom said, she consider it was their 36 anniversary day..ok, rombongan kali ni, cuaca alhamdulilah x hujan langsung, no traffic as we went there on thursday during sultan selangor birthday (hapi birthday tuanku)...x byk tmpt kita tea farm, lavender garden, singgah kat hotel maznah tido when dia ada workshop kat situ, tanah rata, mardi (kali ni semua sub kawasan gi..rose, vegetable, tea, english..semua lah) kea x pe lah...i suka cuaca kat, kitaorg sampai ke simpang pulai blk dlm kul 6...and mlm tu was semi final aff suzuki..On the way to cameron my dad said 'Malaysia will not win the game, the Vietnam was so strong plus they will play in font of their supporter'..and I said to my dad back 'chill out, we got 90++ minutes..a long time, although we need to score more than 2 gols..if dollah salleh do pertukaran players like indra play at the beginning, we should win the semi final'..and because we went back early, perasaan sangat dramatic when we watched the game and it was full of fun watched it with other people (I had lost my kwn bola since I moved back to KL..haha)..alhamdulilah, we made it..Malaysia made it!!!so pround of you guys...
picture time..kredit to cik ety
I nk mkn ice cream strawberry lapar ni |
cik ety..sha2 & iman |
tea jump together |
big strawberry..auni memang giler strawberry..mata dia besar giler nampak benda ni |
with maznah at mardi |
tea farm again..actually hujan dah trn ms ni |
short visit at mardi |
at mardi..sha2 nk naik atas strawberry |
parents with own child..haha...ckp sorang satu, jgn nk gaduh |
exit door at lavender garden |
lavender garden |
corn man |
sibuk membeli, kita sibuk ambik gamba |
pintu msk lavender garden |
yeah!!auni, why x pandang camera |
girls & flowers |
lavender garden again |
mkn ice cream strawberry |
adik & abg |
semua dok mcm ni cause of auni and at last she didn't saw the camera |
on the top of pumpkin |
kuncikan cinta anda di sini..mcm kat korea dah I tengok |
me & kak ety |
this is iman |
this is auni farisya aka sha2..muka ada kesan lebam cause x nk duduk kat car seat..when umi break emergency, kena kat dash board..kan dah lebam..nampak ganas sikit muka..nasib dah hilang |
store at lavender garden |
outfit for first version rombongan cik ety: bj and tudung di taja oleh ketua rombongan.hehe |
version second..hoetl tmpt maz duduk during her workshop...x ingat cuaca ms tu 19 degree |
kak ety with mak bpk |
me with mak bapak |
our beloved parents with giant thermometer |
at mardi |
at lavender garden |
sisters at lavender garden..kat blkg sibuk mkn ice cream |
anak beranak kat tea farm |
the girls |
kak ety with flowers |
bapak |
mom |
us main buai |
mom at mardi |
my outfit..tudung and bj oleh ketua mardi..I pendek blk cause pakai kasut flat
ok, tutup dah rombongan ke cameron...plan for other place Malaysia football team, please play well like you guys play at with the full spirit and please with the 2014 AFF suzuki cup..and to supporters yg nk dtg tengok to..please behave ok, jgn gaduh2 like last time...kalo gaduh, dok lah penjara tu jap ya
ok, take care ^-^ |