Tuesday, July 22, 2014

KL Raya Fest PWTC 2014


topic seperti di atas...and main point ke sana because of maznah (keep asking me to buy dress from CalaQisya booth). this fest was for 2 days, third week of ramadhan on 19-20 July 2014. open from 10am-10pm at PWTC. around 300 vendor atau online boutique were participant in these event.

situasi sebenar: ha..ha...actually this is my first time join this event..nak tengok mcm mana kan? so, utk mengetahui how many pengunjung yg dtg, pihak penganjur asked yg dtg for fill up the forms, submit to register counter and they gave you a sticker..mcm nk msk sunway or etc..then, for make you work easier, u can check where were your butik yg di aim tu terletak..so nya x perlu lah berjalan jauh dan bersesak2 kat hall tu..tp seriously booth CalaQisya memang antara teramai org yg stop sampai x sempat nk ambik bj maznah nak...so, then.my CalaQisya..next nanti kalo ada jodoh kita beli...he..he...tp memang giler ramai org lah...tp honestly I think mcm x sesuai pulak mcm tu...maybe kena guna dewan besar sikit atau byk dewan mcm pesta buku tu...ni nk tengok baju pun susah apa lagi nak try...

parking kete...rs mcm parking kat HSB pulak..kiri kanan jln org parking...memang payah & minggu tu pulak memang ramailah org kuar cr brg sebabnya a last week b4 hari raya..haha...so, the easy way...naik ktm je lah...jln sikit je..

picture time, kredit to me, iman & muni
sticker kena pakai kat bhgn yg boleh di lihat..ha..ha...means tampallah kat tangan, tudung atau baju...

pintu msk...nk msk pun payah

mcm mana mahu msk dah...ramai kot...ambil gambar je lah

senarai booth...mana nak gi

iman sempat lagi ambik gambar dgn yatt..hehe...

lastly, experience from the fest.....if you can, just use public transport. ramai org tu x leh nak bantu lah..tp pihak penganjur maybe can come out with some idea to solve it...so can shopping dgn aman & tenteram...ok, for first time...ok, mcm ni upaya..kalah lah pesta buku...

ok, take care!!^-^

Monday, July 21, 2014

kerja @ raya @ mengejar mlm2 terakhir di bulan ramadhan


keadaan di luar kurang sihat di sg buloh ni kalo nk di compare kan di shah alam...makanya, menjelang beberapa hr nak raya ni, jaga2 lah diri, so u can celebrate happy+cheerful+ enjoy hari raya

apa yg selalu di kaitkan dgn raya? yg bdk2 sekolah, x de anak & parents pun suka....apa lg kalo bukan cuti!!!holiday...ok, menjelang minggu2 terakhir puasa ni...of course tengah mengira cuti nk berapa hari..tu belum msk kira kuih berapa byk...baju, kasut raya lagi and kalo ada anak...1,2 atau 3..kena darab ya...biar semua org dpt bahagian yg sekata hendaknya..x de lah berat sebelah...idaknya?

and but not less...mlm2 10 ramadhan ni...mlm lailatul qadar..hanya 1 kali shj berlaku dlm 1 tahun...so, means that if we miss it, we will wait for other 365 days....and hope dan doa bebanyak agar ms itu di panjangkan umur, di beri keizinan oleh ALLAH utk bertemu mlm penuh dengan misteri (as kita tak tahu pada hr apa akan di katakan mlm lailatul qadar) dan penuh barakah ini...amin...

ok, lastly...jom bersama bermunafaatkan masa2 minggu2 terakhir puasa ni..amal ibadah and x lupa juga pada yg berdiet tu...he..he...ni lah ms paling baik bukan???

ok, take care
p/s: entry merepek2....tq sebab membaca

Friday, July 18, 2014

iftar 2014 with lovely ex-housemate


sudah pertengahan july and 10 hari terakhir bulan ramadhan...time fly so fast...skrg ni 24 hours pun berlalu sangat2 cepat...petanda apakah ini??ha..ha....

proceed to annually event with my lovely housemate in kelantan..our time-out together during fasting month..iftar event and this year we choose the same restaurant we went last year..chicken rice shop, midvalley. why? cause it was easy..i mean transport either public or drive over there and of course during weekdays..why? as most of people will choose weekend for breaking fast with family and friends

this year, the person who attend the iftar were muni, me, kak diya, shikin , emi and kak diya's sister-mel..and during this iftar, we also wished good bye to emi cause she will move to mersing, johor..new place & new job and most important part, she will be near with her hubby all time. emi, enjoys your new place & job. and as always our iftar was full of laughing (but this year was slowly compare to last year), perkembangan baru and for sure our group gossip.he..he...

ok, picture time..kredit to me & emi
b4 ketibaan semua org...ber whatsup...kak diya & ikin at midvalley

me & muni at putra station waiting for our serunding..haha...

after mkn...jln2..msk guardian

us..peace yo!!!

wakil gaya kelaparan kitaorg

model product...hubungi saya kalo nk amik ikin as model

makan...& makan lagi

pn emi...selamat menempuh hidup baru di johor

us...single and ........

berusaha utk msk jugak...group picture..pasni kena bwk monopod pulak

ok, cite iftar kami for this year...where it will be for next year? is it at the same place or ??just wait for next year...in sha allah...friends until jannah and after this raya celebration together...

p/s: takziah pada keluarga penumpand MH17..really shocked news to everyone in the world mostly for MAS after MH370 (until now it is not found yet)..al-fatihah bg mereka yg beragama islam...2014, sememangnya tahun malang and berduka MAS...moga ada hikmah atas apa yg berlaku...keep pray for MH370...and not forget to our saudara di palestin..doa kami sentiasa mengiringi saudaraku

ok..take care...^-^