Friday, March 28, 2014

majlis alia & kak ti


cuti sekolah dtg lagi..kompang asli versus kompang from cd, mana satu menjadi pilihan...apa2 pun mana2 pun sama for the jemputan to know that pengantin dah sampai and ms utk ambil gambar kedua-duanya..say cheese...ahaks

ok, last post was contribute to lovely tasya..kali ni khas buat yaya aka alia and kak ti...ok, how I knew both of these kind+beautiful+de bak (korean language)..let me recall my memory back..ok, let we start with alia..alia was in the same lab with me..she worked as MLT while I worked as RA before further my study in master at the beginning, I thought alia was a same age with me..but I was wronged, alia was a year older than me..but I like to say or write..age is like a number..the important thing is how you manage your life happily and do the interesting of our life..we did some fun activity together and she was an easy person & comfortable to get along and you will not regret it..alia's husband actually my course mate during my degree and both of them just didn't met each other at MSU, although they are in same university but met at FB..  

while about kak first I just knew her name through same boxes inside -20oc freezer during a day clear up the freezer..kak ti had a good quality to be a best sister ever and we're just close during a few months before I left USM..ha..ha..a good listener and given me an opportunity to increase my skill of excretion and also my salary to as I helped her doing her work..aha..aha...kak ti got married last 15/3/2014..

ok, jom jumpa kedua-dua mempelai

met alia aka yaya & yus..happily get married and reception was on 27/3/2014

kak ti & her husband on their reception event

hadiah khas buat kak ti & suami...

to yaya & yus

ok, for bln march wed ni...most of my wedding's gift was quilling craft...during tasya & both alia and kak ti for alia and kak ti punya tempah dr org lain...saja nak try..harga & services memang thump up...yg x thump up adalah service from pos laju...sabar je lah...both of this craft memang terletak comel didalam frame...ok, utk maklumat lanjut, boleh contact this fb: yg ideal bukan...jadi brg ingatan bg mempelai jugak..jgn lupa terjah & order tau...sebut nama sy sekali..mesti  x dapat pun nak order lagi lah..utk majlis sameone bln 8 ni

lastly, nak ucap tahniah to both alia & yus serta kak ti & suami...moga berkekalan hingga ke Jannah and dikurniakan cahaya mata yg cute and soleh & solehah..selamat melangkah ke alam rumahtangga & enjoy your new tittle..apa2 pun, we're friends you guys so much

take care ^-^


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

coret-coret wedding tasya & rais


suasana suram memenuhi perasaan semua rakyat di dunia mostly for Malaysia & China..24/March/2014 at was a sad announcement about was believed that the aircraft ended in the Southern Hindi Ocean. It was hard to be accepted mostly to the close family members of MH370 passengers and strong guys, and I really hope the SAR's team or rescue team will find any debris from the aircraft and mostly the black box of the aircraft..for us to know what is exactly happened to the aircraft...Ya Allah, please help and guide them to find any evidence regarding to the aircraft & mostly the black box...

ok, back to the tittle...ok, it was a day when Natasya Naili officially change her tittle from single to married person or from miss to mrs..a date that both natasya & rais was waiting for after they got engage last noember 2013...22 March 2014..tasya & rais was officially become a spouse or husband and wife with sekali lafas (although I thought rais having very difficult time to melafaskan qabul itu)..alhamdulilah..a wonderful pelamin, ceremony, food mostly the cake & hantaran...what make my eye become a big eye was a big cake from tasya to was cake make from mosque replica..mosque that located in tumpat...a very big cake that cause 2 men to carried it...

ok, a night before akad nikah, me & fiza bermalam di umah tasya..ok, it was 8 years ago, during my brother's wed that I had to slept at 3 am cause it was a lot of things need to be finished before the reception, that felt was like 8 years ago...helping tasya for the goodies and at 1 pm accompanies her to make 'inai'...and finished 2 hours later..ha..ha...and by the next morning need to wake up early to prepare for tasya akad tasya lagi penat..bangun pg tu, terus ke & fiza...memang pengsan lagi kat atas...siap berlaku incident tolak menolak sapa yg kena mandi dulu...ha..ha..mak andam tasya, dtg around 8 o'clock and akad nikah supposedly at 10 am..but what actually happened was rais didn't show up at 10 am due to traffic jam and because of rais family came with other 7 cars...jdnya kereta berpisah2 and need to wait for other car..and it force them to cancel their akad nikah at 10 am as tok kadi had an appointment with other newly pair at 10.30, they need to wait until the tok kadi showed up at 11.30. 

what happened during akad nikah was the funniest thing during tasya's wed..I sat beside tasya during the akad nikah and I can see the whole procedure during akad nikah..lafaz akad nikah between kelantan & selangor was a quite was easier in kelantan compare selangor, pengantin laki need to mention nama pengantin perempuan dgn mas kawinnya apa yg dipractice oleh rais adalah lafaz utk kelantan..kelam kabut dia ms tok kadi tanya...apa yg baik pasal tok kadi ni, dia x tanya soalan langsung which was good for rais...kureng sikit nervous org lain pulak yg nervous..ayah tasya. di selangor, most of majlis akad nikah di lakukan oleh ayah atau wali pengantin perempuan bukan tok kadi..tok kadi just pantau sahaja. which I think it is a good for us as female that our wali or father hand us to other man to take care of us. in sha allah for the the rest of our life..ok, back to tasya's dad..ayah tasya tersebut 'aku nikah kau dgn anakku mohd natasya naili'...mahu x tergelak semua kat situ...nasib baik aku x terguling2 gelak...terpaksalah ulang balik...baru lah betul majlis akad & qabul tu...alhamdulilah..tasya dah kawin!!!^-^

majlis bersanding, me as pengapit tasya and my partner was yus who was my course mate during my degree and will be rais brother in law as he will got married with alia this thursday:27/3/2014...alia, sorry because I couldn't attend your wed and hopefully you like present from me & murni..the best ever pengapit duty I ever had..just temankan tasya during akad nikah and ms pengantin datang. why I didn't stay beside tasya during majlis bersanding was due to pelamin..agak kecik, I cannot stand beside tasya and what did I do was eating dessert with murni, kak diya & fiza..strawberry, grapes and masshmellow with a chocolate on yummy..a red velvet cake and many varieties of thump up and yummy

I met yan yan over there...really miss you yan yan and you look so punya mak andam memang pun cantiks & touch up tasya sikit after akad nikah walaupun x msk dlm pakej.. really recommended, just rm300 and x kira di mana2 tmpt the price still me kalo nak tahu saapa cause I forget her fb & ig address  

ok, joom...gambar time
tasya & fiza...lainkan tasya..

katil pengantin hasil ilham family sweet......sorry rais, kitaorg dah tido atas katil tu ms temankan tasya hr tu..he..he..

mak andam beraksi

bunga tangan, putih menjadi pilihan..sesuci lambang cinta tasya & rais..he..he...

me & tasya...

after akad nikah...bacaan taklik..ayah tasya the one who wore brown baju melayu & tok kadi wore white cloth

tasya with mak andam..thanks nisa cause tunggu and sudi touch up tasya after that

upacara memakai gelang and cincin

menepung tawar..pelamin pun buat sendiri...hasil ilham tasya's family...memang jimat giler-giler...

pegantin and pengapit...

with lovely yan yan...

muni & me

harus bertiga lah kan..ha..ha...kalo x, rs pelik giler...kak lin jauh kat kelantan..shikin gi, muni & kak diya

hadiah tasya..hope you like it...from me & muni...

lastly, thanks fiza cause makeup kan i and to tasya & rais...selamat pengantin baru...moga berkekalan ke jannah. enjoy your newly tittle and life as husband and wife. jangan gaduh2 tau and dikurniakan cahaya2 mata yg cute and soleh & rais: please take care of my good friend ya..

ok, next....who's wedding I will attend...wait until next post..ok, take care ^-^ 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Promosi pakej urutan ibu bersalin...grab now b4 31/3/2014

Assalamualaikum..... is almost the end of March..jadi, bagi bakal2 ibu yg akan berpantang..jangan lupa utk cuba promosi mengurut ini from 'kakak adek confinement sekarang walaupun tempoh bersalin anda bukan sekitar bulan March ini bg mendapatkan pakej harga yg menarik ini plus extra 1 rawatan percuma and harga yg jauh lagi murah dr harga biasa

ok, ada ramai yg whatsup apa dlm pakej tu apa yg ada...ok, di sini disertakan butiran2nya:

Mandian Herba – Air rebusan dedaun
  §  Membuang angin
  §  Mencantikkan kulit serta mengharumkan kulit.
  §  Menyihatkan dan memulihkan badan dengan cepat.
Urutan bersalin
  §  Memulihkan semula ketahanan badan.
  §  Memulihkan tenaga dan menjamin ketahanan badan.
  §  Melancarkan peredaran darah
  §  Amalan yang sangat penting semasa berpantang.
  §  Ia dapat menghangatkan badan dan membuang angina di  dalam badan.
  §  Mengecutkan urat dalaman yang kembang semasa bersalin dan mengecutkan Rahim.
  §  Melancarkan peredaran darah dan darah nifas akan lebih lancar seleaps bertungku.
  §  Bertungku berfungsi mengempiskan perut dan membantu mendapatkan bentuk badan yang asal.
Bertangas. Terdapat 2 jenis tangas:             
   1)      Tangas basah- dilakukan di awal proses berpantang
    2)      Tangas basah – dilakukan di hujung proses berpantang (penutup)
  §  Membantu membuang angina meroyan.
  §  Ia juga membantu mengecutkan vagina dan Rahim.
  §  Mengeluarkan peluh busuk dan kotor dari badan.
  §  Perkara paling penting dapat menyembuhkan luka dan jahitan dengan cepat.
  §  Ia dapat memecahkan lemak dan membantu memperbetulkan kedudukan peranakan.

  §  Dapat membentuk dan mengembalikan bentuk tubuh badan.
  §  Membantu untuk memperbetulkan peranakan.
  §  Ia juga berfungsi untuk menyokong dan menguatkan tulang dan otot-otot abdomen yang lemah akibat regangan ketika mengandung.
  §  Bagi caesarian boleh memakai bengkung selepas 2 minggu tempoh bersalin.
  §  Ramuan yang membantu mengecutkan kembali otot-otot dan urat-urat yang bengkak.
  §  Membantu juga menghaluskan kulit.
  §  Sejenis ramuan yang disapu pada dahi bagi menyejukkan kepala dan tidak pening.
  §  Menghindari dari masuk angina,mengurangkan pitam dan mengurangkan tekanan darah.
  §  Ramuan yang disapu di perut untuk membantu mengecutkan peranakan.
  §  Mencantikkan dan menghaluskan kulit selepas menjalani proses berpantang selama 44 hari.
Mandi Bunga                                                                    
§  Aroma bunga yang dibekalkan membolehkan seseorang merasa segar, mengharumkan badan, memulihkan semangat dan mengembalikan seri wajah.

pakej2 ini tidak termasuk dengan kos pengangkutan pakar terapi kami.pakar terapi kami akan bergerak dr ampang dan akan ke lokasi client kami...

pada ibu2 atau suami...apa lagi cepat2 grab tawaran ini...utk maklumat selanjutnya, anda boleh whatsup saya: hasnah:019-3685434..atau email ke

tak salah berbelanja lebih untuk mendapatkan kesihatan dan kekuatan anda semula...

ok, take care!!^-^

Wednesday, March 19, 2014



jerebu dan catuan air...perkara yg berlarutan since middle of february until march this year..and alhamdulilah, nampaknya and hopefully catuan & jerebu x akan berterusan until april..dan nampak gayanya, mungikn juga x akan berterusan...hilang 2 masalah itu, muncul pulak musibah baru yg menjadi misteri....

misteri kehilangan MH370...and currently pada 19/3/2014 dah msk 12 hari misteri kehilangan..menjadi misteri semua yg terlibat dan tidak terlibat pasal aircraft ni...setelah serata laut cina selatan & selat melaka di cari, masih menemui jln buntu and currently they are searching in 2 corridor, north & south area (indonesia &  hindi ocean...segala peralatan canggih di gunakan and betullah kata ex juruterbang yg membawa blk pesawat ini from seattle (teringat grey anatomy terus) ke KL about 11 years ago...'apabila semua teknologi hebat telah digunakan & telah melewati batasannya, kini berserah & berdoa pada allah agar memudahkan pencarian kita'...

non-stop yg kini dimainkan di cinema around Malaysia, berkisar mengenai situasi yg dialami Malaysia. dlm cite ni aircraft ni telah di hijack and by the end memang x leh nak agak who are the mastermind...siap kenakan air marshal tu because the officer was alcoholic after her daughter pass away due to cancer when she was young..a lot of disciplines problem which cause he was an easy target or person who was responsible to the hijacking..but apa yg kurang masuk akal dlm cite ini, is kepantasan communication between people in airplane and person in the young man sent a couple of video about the marshal air officer arrested a person that he believed and cause responsible for the hijacking and a bomb that carried by other air marshal with the drugs at the top of the bomb and others. and the passengers can knew who was the officer because they can saw the latest or live news from their screen...if it happened to MH370 aircraft, they  should  have a time to send same news to their family regarding what happened to them..

apa2 pun...because of liam neelson was the actor of is 'wajib' for me to watch his movie. although he was 60++ if I didn't mistake but I really like his act mostly in action movie..seriously, when I saw this movie...I terus imagined about mh370....

    poster non-stop...

I watched the movie with murni after we took our Mykad from UTC, pudu..and later went shopping at jalan TAR..ha..ha....

ok, lastly hopefully they will find the aircraft and I always pray for the aircraft, crew and passengers to come back safely.....

ok, take care...^-^