Friday, May 31, 2013

Pak den E-day part II


k, as promised previously, today is for part II. ok, I already moved from uitm,hostel and I lived around sg buloh...don't worry beloved hostel...I'll be back....

ok...cite sikit...actually on the way to biha's house..iman keep asked me, kak ety & her ummi about the engagement ring that I hold with my hands. so I just said 'we want to give it to princess...a very beautiful princess & also your future aunt aka pak den's gf cik biha....' then she replied ' it should cake a big cake over there right?' and ummi said ' today, no cake...just a ring and a lot of food over there'. i saw iman making her face...very confused face and keep asked us until we reach at biha's house....what a clever girl, see it showed that if the little child cannot find satisfy answer, she will keep asking until she got the answer....maybe I should keep it in my mind....k, iman when you grow up, i mean older enough for me to explain it...i believe at that time you will be completely understand

k, enjoy the pictures, gambar yg di upload di sini most of them x pernah di siarkan (ha..ha...budget exclusive gitu)...

ya, sayang....jap2 i dah on d way nak merisik u ni...

wakil from biha's side

auni aka auni ba...ha..ha...why? because she always said...''so cute....suddenly miss auni farisya so much...and current update dia dah boleh dgn semua org, before this jangan harap

cantik sungguh cincin ni

k, after this...hantaran from pak din to biha

the fruits

adat org melayu & red flower kat atas tu ala2 kiasan for real hantaran during their wedding. next sya allah & when...i'll tell u guys later


the rings which i call it 'memetik bunga di taman larangan'..ha..ha...canggih tak nama...ada elemen gediks di situ?

Next, sebahagian hantaran from biha to pak din

persiapan b4 bergelar pasangan husband & wife


actually from our side ada 5 hantaran & di balas 7 oleh biha

family member from our side

family biha....siap terbaring2 lagi...

k, tamat sudah one step forward for biha & pak den...and tinggal one final step lagi....congrats both of you & moga pertunangan ini ke step seterusnya & cannot wait to go back to johor with my lovely family or maybe at that time terus ke negara sebelah...ha..ha...just wait and see.....

and finally

cinta bersatu dengan restu semua org...moga korang kurengkan gaduh2 manja tu...and sekali lagi...setakat ni jeling2 dulu ya

k, see you next time, take are ^-^

p/s: nak msk bulan 6 dah...kena make sure matlamat for 2013 ni, di capai dengan jayanya

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pak den E-day I


Pak den? who is he? actually pak den was one become a person very close to me mostly during my secondary school, because he is my younger brother..only 2 years younger than me but unfortunately my face looks younger than, pak den please smile more & be happy go lucky person...this will make your face become younger compare to your age...

E-day, I think almost every one know what is the E-day..engagement day...and who is my future sister in law..well, presenting miss biha and she came from parit raja, johor which it took about 6 hours journey from sg besar..and make their E-day become other historical in our family was it was a day before election day, 5 may 2013 & it's really challenge journey back to sg besar as it took almost 10 hour journey because of traffic jam. like my mom said 'every one need to go back for 'raya'...and when my anak buah said to me who is she...i just said it was pak din's girlfriend & your new auntie 

anyway, congrats to biha & pak den for your E-day...thanks a lot to biha's family for the foods, layanan and because x kenakan soalan2 yg sukar for my big bro as he act as a representative for pak sya allah we will came back next year for the weeding day & hopefully everyone mainly my whole siblings can attend it. k, lets enjoy the first group of pictures from their E-day..kredit to biha

hantaran ke-2 belah pihak...the blue one were from our side..and proudly were design by me, my mom & kak ety...well u knows man...bila time2 mcm ni, adik beradik perempuan dia memang di cari...x gitu 

make up time

alone di atas pelamin mini yg year berdua ya...pastu kena tinggi sikit pelaminnya

with her oldest sister & brg hantaran

cincin tanda

pasangan bertunang with their friend during undergraduate study at UKM, KL

biha & the girls

biha with pak den's girl

hantaran biha to pak den...very tasty cake..yum..yum....

biha & her family's member aka org kuat

biha & pak den with org kuat..thanks to our lovely abg saudara which we call 'dong besar' & his wife, kak nor because attend this E-day

biha & pak den

ok, sekarang ni jeling2 dulu year leh lebih2...

ok, tamat e-day pak den...whose next...ha...ha...doa2kan sahaja lah...ok part II akan menyusul after I get back my camera from my big bro as I left it in his car...

k, take care!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

ASHR 2012, kumon kubang kerian


k, post again for ASHR 2012...why? sebab en cameraman just place it on FB kubang kerian..k, enjoy the pictures with superhero theme...yeah!!!

supporting students cause most of them dress up like superhero...see, dark vader with light sword

Game time!!!

balloons, same of them is afraid to burst it

supporting parents

dancers member

poems read by batman aka nazmi

choir team

ye...u guys did it...good job

dancer members in action

one family who won family game 

Teachers group

kumon students

dark vader and batman

'dad, how to do it?'

k. so ni gambaran awal if you guys when to arrange party for superhero...memang meletup lah idea korang...good job guys!!x sangka cam mcm ni sekali


Both Mc during ASHR ceremony with their game team

lastly, it's had been a good time to be your teachers & minta maaf andaikata sekiranya tersalah kata atau apa2 korang terasa hati...0-0 ke...

k, take care ^-^

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

susu oh susu


sapa yg kat sini dah ada anak angkat tangan!!!x kira lah anak sendiri atau anak buah ke atau adik sendiri pun  boleh lah....anda berhadapan tak dgn masalah diaorg x nak minum susu yg anda beli atau susu yg anda beli tu sangat berbau...

apa pentingnya susu untuk anak2 ni (ya sudah kembali ke sekolah semula):
1. membekalkan nutrisi yg diperlukan utk membesar-anak2 kan, haruslah x mahu makan mengikut gizi yg sebenar....bukan sahaja budak2, org dewasa pun ada masalah yg sama
2. membina gig+tulang yg kuat-sebab ada apa.....calcium...
3. minda yg sihat

dan banyak2 lagi.....k, kat sini sy nak promote 1 jenama susu yg dihasilkan oleh bumiputra (marilah kita sokong bersama2...yg cina & india pun boleh sokong jugak sebab kandungan susu ini cukup baik utk perkembangn anak2) dan yang penting halal...biomil X-cel, utk 1 tahun ke atas...napa perlu beli susu ni...

  1. Membantu penghadaman dan pencernaan
  2. Membina darah, tulang dan gigi
  3. Menguatkan otot dan sendi
  4. Pertumbuhan kulit dan rambut yang sihat
  5. Membantu perkembangan minda
  6. Mencantikkan akhlak dan budi pekerti si manja

Jadinya bg ibu2 bapa2, aunty2 & uncle2 yg ada anak2 yg ada masalah nak minum susu, apa kata try produk ni..di jamin sedap dan anak2 pasti sukakanya..not the children but also to adult.

so apa kata terjah website ni: 

k, x salah berbelanja lebih utk kesihatan anak2..yg penting mereka boleh membesar dgn baik, sihat & with the good education background. Memetik pada
Rasulullah pernah bersabda :

“Minumlah susu, kerana ia menghapuskan rasa panas di dalam hati sepertimana jejari menyapu peluh di dahi. Susu boleh menguatkan belakang, meningkatkan minda, mencerdaskan akal, mengelokkan penglihatan dan menjauhkan kelupaan”

k, see u guys again, take care ^-^

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

wedding farah & bad


supposedly write entry about another thing but because I left my camera in my brother's car ( clever), so I will post about another thing first...maybe I will get my camera in another 2 weeks

so, this post is special for both of my friend farah & bad.. actually I knew bad for about 10 years ago because he was one of my matriculation's friend. however, we didn't met each other until eha's wedding last year on November. bad ms zaman matrix, quite ok, biasalah men mesti ada nakal2 sikit, kacau2 org sikit & kalo jumpa dia, ada je lah benda nak di gaduhkan and farah I knew her during MSU..she was so cute & small, smaller than me..because farah was stay at the same house with lovely ima & eni and because at that time I always went to their & farah were become close although most of the time we're not at the same class (during that time, my batch was divided into 3 groups & I was in group  no 2)...

How that they met? They were working together in Biotech corp in the same team..betul kata org2 tua, dunia ni kecik je....see I met back mereka berdua...and jodoh mereka memang kuat although before this farah with some one else & kalo dah jodoh memang x kemana & x de sapa yg boleh menghalangnya...x gitu? they got engage on March 2013 and 2 months later (quite fast, kalo den...x terkejar buat persiapan ni) they already and officially was husband & wife...really happy for both of you & you guys sangat gorgeous bila bersama...suka2 suka2. pelamin yg nice + simple & makanan yg membuat diriku kenyang...ha..ha... 

lovely zaman MSU, suka tengaok farah dgn imej baru dia...paling x leh lupa ms dia buat rambut ala2 pelakon wanita cite full house tu...nice baju & makeup & also the hand flower

Ketibaan masuk raja sehari di dalam dewan yg di sewa di dewan bahasa & pustaka...bad & farah

lovely u guys soooooo much...

me, eni & ima with farah & guys, who's next?-kredit to ima

kredit gambar to those yg place their picture and tag them in FB...sorry, ya....pinjam

lastly, congrats to both farah & badfor your wedding...moga bahagia until jannah & dpt aak2 yg comel & cute like you guys...& ingat kiteorg selalu...friends forever...bad, jaga farah baik ya...and selamat menempuhi alam rumah tangga dgn jayanya

k guys, take care ^-^  

Friday, May 3, 2013

sesuatu yg bakal berlaku


menjelang hari mengundi....5/5/, dgn bangganya, ni pertama kali diri ku ini akan mengundi...mana yg di pilih...adakah BN atau PAS...ha...ha...biarlah rahsia but hopefully election kali ni biarlah smooth & adil ya...and mana2 parti yg di berikan mandat utk mentadbir negara for next 5 years, sila jalankan tanggungjawab dgn penuh berdedikasi....

a day b4 election, actually there will be something big happen...what it is?jeng..jeng....the making of:

k, update later....take care, see you ^-^