k, bercerita tentang kemeriahan ASHR Kumon (left picture:the MC & students). ASHR is stand for 'Advance Student Honor (lupa pulak R stand for apa)..he..he...ala2 majlis penyampaian hadiah kat sekolah and the different is student will get a medal according to their pencapaian. got 3 category for bronze, silver and gold.. gapo bezanya? sila buka laman web kumon ya..tempat majlis di royal guest house, Kb..penat gak lah aku, muni & fazreen cr tempat ni. aku just di beri tahu area restoran cikgu ulam di KB. kalo x tahu sila google ya. nasib baik x mengalami kesesatan yg jauh..tersasar sikit drp mengikut jln yg benar. tempat ni rupanya2 di sebelah muzium yg menyimpan koleksi kerajaan kelantan specific for kelantan royal families. just look for the outside, sebab kejar ms utk practice. what kind of practice? he..he..adalah. bdk2 buat persembahan, so cikgu, x kan x buat kot kan?ok, enjoy gambar2 utk ASHR ni..
Left:k, cikgu2 with student medal...dulu, mana ada kumon2 nie..centre: me & my groups. almost of them, I don't know their name as most of the ASHR student come from math. if they join both class, I will know them..so, please join the english class!..right: teachers performance...presenting...'gemuruh' song!

Gambar tengah: teachers and our bos..tq kak ha...
Gambar tengah: org bahagian perndaftaran & game!

Overall, this event berjalan lancar and the most active event is spell it right challenge, where both parents and students are participant but only students can answer the question!
k, cukup utk entri kali ini..creadit to rinie & lola for the picture...oh ya, nak promote my sister in law ada buat business cake...cake dijamin sedap dan menarik (paling menarik ada kek bentuk otak manusia, real giler!,cayalah!)..so kpd sapa2 yg berminat boleh pergi ke link ini...mintak tolong sebarkan pada yg lain, ya! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Surprise-Cake/195838293825888