Tuesday, April 26, 2011
minta pendapat
yesterday, adalah seorg makcik, pakcik & 2 org anak lelakinya dtg and asked me to open the door yg sepatutnya org yg not from USM aka without any matrix card boleh melalui pintu itu..mula2 memang dah ckp, kena ikut laluan pelawat cause this door is for USM's staff & student. and I showed them the way to the laluan pelawat. suddenly the 'makcik' said that 'pakcik' cannot walked to far because his leg condition. and because it is masa melawat & i'm pity of them..I allowed them to enter...
later, x tahu sapa (suspect that maybe he is one of USM security, sebab org tue pakai baju biasa) said to me 'why I opened the door to them?' rasanya dia dengar je apa yg aku bualkan dgn diaorg cause our distance ms perbulan tue x lah jauh..so, kena repeat blk apa yg di bual..and dengan nada marah, he told me that I should not open the door to them and why?? he does not tell me..so, i just minta maaf to the person for do it that and just go to ain because she was waiting for me
jadi di sini, adakah perbuatan saya tue salah? hm..hm..nasib baik mood semalam ok, kalo x mahu je jawab 'skrg ms melawat & kalo pakcik kat tempat dia & sy x menolong pakcik, apa yg pakcik rasa?'..mahu je sambung, ala cuba yg dtg tue org2 kenamaan yg memang terang.... x de kad USM..he/she is consider as visitor jugak kan? andai kata makcik tue bohong kat aku pun &..it is between her and ALLAH..semua benda kena ada niat kan.. tp sebab baik mood aku ok+ kesian pulak kat ain tunggu aku+ kesian pulak kat adik2 aku nie nak kena tengok sandiwara kakak dia+aku masih ada lagi perasaan hormat kat org tua...
so, apa korang kalo korang ada kat situasi aku..should you help or just ignore it?hm..hm..
Monday, April 18, 2011
mari menghitamkan muka!!
Gambar kiri: oh,jgn terjun..kuzek, sila ambik gambar oh secepat yg mungkin..mcm patung dah tengok..Gambar tengah:us Gambar kanan: penghuni pt1201 di bukit keluang!
k, jumpa nanti utk aktiviti2 yg lain...see again for next entry!!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
day 30: Who are you
Sunday, April 10, 2011
day 29: In this past month, what have u learned
Saturday, April 9, 2011
day 28: A picture of you last year and now , how have you changed since then
Gambar tengah: di kandid oleh en zul aka photographer during our reunion (SLISS) dinner last february. memang x perasaan bila di ambil, nice picture!
k, what the diffrent..hm..rsnya, no big diffrent just 1st picture diambil di Uk and 2nd picture di ambil di shah alam selangor..muka2 dua ceria padahal 1st picture telah menghabiskan duit secara besaran (please refer my previous entri in July 2010), dan yg kedua ni sebab menjumpai rakan yg sudah x ketemu hampir 9 tahun.
k, jumpa esok utk entri ke-29..ye!!almost finish my 30 days challenge!
Friday, April 8, 2011
day 27: Why are you doing this 30 days challenge
Thursday, April 7, 2011
day 26: What do you think about your friends
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
day 25: What I would find in your beg
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
day 24: A letter to your parents
Monday, April 4, 2011
day 23: Something you crave a lot

Sunday, April 3, 2011
day 22: What make you different from other
Saturday, April 2, 2011
day 21: Another picture of something that make you happy